Having pets and kids creates an equal mess in the house. It is challenging to clean our house with pets especially when it comes to bond cleaning. Even if you clean it regularly, it is never enough with pets. Tasks increase from removing pet hairs to cleaning the shit. Also, when it is the turn of bond cleaning, you must keep it clean like new to get your security amount back. That’s why hiring Bond Cleaning Sunshine Coast is advised for pet owners. You must know that cleaning with a pet’s presence may be more difficult than usual but isn’t impossible if we use the right way. In this blog, we will check the bond cleaning tips for families with pets. Stay tuned to know it in the best way.

What are the Tips for Bond Cleaning for Pet Owners?

Here are the tips for pet owners to manage perfect bond cleaning.

Stains and Pet Odors: Pets do have an odor that might not be pleasant enough for humans. Wherever they live or stay, their smell remains there too. Hence, it is crucial to remove the odor. For that, you can use organic enzymatic cleaners. Also, they can create stains and you must remove them with the help of non-toxic cleaners.

Pet-occupied areas: Just like we have a favorite place to sleep and spend most of our time, pets do have such a place in the house. Those areas must be cleaned especially while bond cleaning. Wherever they will go they will leave their hairs, and you must remove them with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Clean your pet’s bed including removal of odors. Don’t forget bed corners. Expert Bond Cleaners Sunshine Coast suggest spending special awareness on these areas. 

Lint remover: Get a lint remover from the hardware shop nearby. I know it sounds weird but will be a good option to remove your pet’s hair. We can’t stop them from moving into the house or can’t change their hair fall, but we can clean them in the smartest possible way to avoid any complaints by the owner.

Repair damage: If you have an energetic pet, it is quite difficult to stop it from running or damaging things. Their maqybe some chewing marks on the furniture, blemishes on the floor, or harmed windows. It will be beneficial to keep them away from starting till the end of the bond cleaning process. Do a thorough inspection of the surfaces that need repairing. Then, examine them to ensure if they require fixing or replacing. Do what is required to confirm there are no deductions from your bond.

Outdoor areas: If your pet is fond of outdoor areas, then you should also look at the same as these spots get messed up easily. So, it is important to clean them. Use proper organic cleaners to eradicate undesirable odors. Rearrange the mess and the area as it was earlier when you have just shifted. Even the plant damage and the lawn holes are included in the same. You can get professional help too.

Pet Clean: The best way to avoid chaos at the time of bond cleaning is to keep your pet clean all the time. If they are clean all the time, there is less chance of dirt, and mess created by them. It will not put much burden at the end of the tenancy.


Pets are like our family members but their maintenance is quite difficult. Because we can ask our kids to behave well, but we can’t expect for our pets to do the same. But we are bound to clear the mess created by them if we want to keep them. A pet owner needs more attention while bond cleaning to avoid any kind of conflict at the end of the tenancy. In this blog, we have mentioned various methods to apply at the time of bond cleaning if you are a pet owner. I hope these methods will help you make your bond cleaning task easy. If you find it difficult to clean it alone, get a professional bond cleaning help.