Implementing a Process Automation program with UiPath RPA takes hard work and commitment from tech leaders. Though the time and work pay off with advantages like cost savings and efficiency, achieving complete organizational transformation becomes difficult. Besides, a lack of skilled resources, ill-defined business cases, and poor change management can all lead to automation project stalling.

That’s why a tactical and empathetic approach to UiPath RPA implementation is essential. Fortunately, C-suite leaders seeking to wade into the ocean of UiPath automation tools don’t have to organize it by themselves. A whole fleet of UiPath partners is available to support the implementation and scaling of automation strategies.

Building Automation Business Case With UiPath Partners

UiPath RPA holds tremendous potential to transform an organization’s processes. But if leaders are going to invest energy and resources into this tool, they must first recognize whether it’s worth it by building a business case and determining Return on Investment (ROI). It’s evident, that around 39% of product owners have scaled beyond 600 robots with the help of dedicated UiPath consultants and attained their long-term automation goals.

Hence, business leaders should consider hiring UiPath partners to attain long-term success. With the strategic business case creation, skilled UiPath consultants convey the automation roadmap and can get every stakeholder in the organization on board. Subsequently, UiPath RPA consultants use the ROI calculator to compute whether an enterprise can harvest the full strengths of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Automation (IA). Knowing automation ROI before implementation is beneficial in scaling business processes and achieving the best outcomes.

With business case creation and ROI assessment, leaders will be able to:

  • Outline a clear strategy for UiPath implementation
  • Deliver important details to stakeholders
  • Plan scalable, practical outcomes for the Intelligent Automation program
  • Describe the technical working of RPA for IT workers
  • Determine a timeline, delegate roles, and define clear objectives
  • Summarize and alleviate potential shortcomings and risks

UiPath RPA consultants allow leaders to skip the intensive trial-and-error phases of pilot implementation, assist with project management, and establish lasting frameworks for growth. With the assistance of recognized automation partners, automation Centers of Excellence (CoEs) and C-suite leaders can focus on understanding ROI and laying the base for future automation objectives.

5 Crucial Qualifications to Look For in a UiPath RPA Partner

The following section consists of five criteria for identifying the right UiPath partner for their organization. If CIOs/CTOs are planning to issue a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for UiPath partner selection, they can leverage this criteria list as a part of their process. Before getting into the list, leaders should consider that the RPA implementation journey should not be led solely by the UiPath partner. Leaders and stakeholders in an organization must participate and take proprietorship at every stage.

Each UiPath consulting partner will approach the implementation journey differently. A valuation of five key qualifications allows decision-makers to determine whether their methodology matches with and supports business objectives:

  1. Process Modernization and Design

Business processes are the lifeline of any automation journey. Automating impractical processes with UiPath will result in a waste of time and resources. Leaders should check whether a potential UiPath partner is able to understand the nature of processes during the preliminary discussion. They should possess a verified track record of working with enterprises in different domains, automating complex operations, and knowing the correct standards to stick with based on industry needs.

They need to work with enterprises as an extended automation team, conceptualizing and creating opportunities to produce a modernized workplace. Hence, a partner who affords consultative support may be an optimal fit instead of an IT-only company. The not-so-popular stories have been around firms who never probed a customer on their processes, nor did they turn up with advanced process design before initiating the automation.

Take the case study of Dexcom, a US-based CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) device manufacturing firm. They decided to implement UiPath RPA and modernize their document processing function. With the help of skilled UiPath consultants, they built and deployed bots that scan around 300 to 600 prescriptions in an hour with 99% precision.

  1. Experience in Automation Delivery

Since the UiPath RPA ecosystem matures continually, the ability to deliver automations is progressively increasing. Therefore, when choosing a UiPath partner, it is important to assess:

  • How many automation projects have they accomplished?
  • How complex were those projects?
  • What kinds of business processes were regulated?
  • What is their contract/governance approach?
  • What is their methodology to build UiPath solutions?

Business leaders may also want to analyze how a potential UiPath partner builds and maintains its workforce. This includes the kind of training and assistance they deliver and the time taken to replace a resource. For instance, a prospective partner might train their resources only on the implementation and development stage, but leaders could run into trouble when maintenance of bots is required. An ideal UiPath partner should provide end-to-end automation lifecycle support.

  1. Workbench Strength

This aspect is taken from the traditional IT development partner employment process. Typically, large-sized IT organizations maintain a strong workforce to take on development projects without postponement. The same condition applies here. It is essential to identify how many consultants are being employed by the potential UiPath partner and the average specialization levels of those professionals. A UiPath automation partner with minor bench strength might falter on delivery timelines and or compromise the quality of delivery.

  1. Adapting Enterprise Infrastructure and Culture

It is crucial for UiPath consultants to execute their automation strategy while avoiding infrastructure lock-in. Throughout the UiPath implementation journey, workers should access the preferred tools and platforms without any compromise. UiPath consultants should ensure that their client’s infrastructure is open to consumption by teams, thereby evading lock-in.

Analyzing the UiPath partner’s cultural fit should be part of the collaboration process. Versatile partners understand the right company culture and direct leaders for automation success. Even when all the prerequisites are met, unless a UiPath automation partner is compatible with the organization’s culture, they may not assist in the long run. Involving a Human Resources advisor during this phase could deliver tech leaders valuable pointers based on the selection process.

  1. Cost of Operation

Ultimately, operational costs will play a significant role in the UiPath consulting company selection process. Choices around pricing criteria intrinsically depend on how a potential UiPath partner has performed in the first four aspects of this criteria list. A partner may have higher operational costs but caters to a wide range of services. It eventually comes down to the service value they deliver and the entire cost of ownership.

Tips to Lead Effective UiPath RPA Partnership

While we highlighted the five points for UiPath partner hiring, it is also imperative to understand that there are a few aspects a partner will never be able to accomplish on their own. Tech leaders should set proper expectations internally as well:

  • Forming Vision – Strategic leaders should involve third-party UiPath partners, IT developers, and other technical professionals while creating the automation vision. However, the ownership must solely lie with the top leadership.
  • Change Management – Third-party UiPath partners will not be able to efficiently drive RPA adoption in an organization without internal assistance. That’s why, tech leaders should allow partners to train in-house resources on UiPath RPA and accelerate the digital transformation.
  • Process Complexity Assessments – A UiPath partner is expected to lead change management, but each enterprise functions differently. There’s a possibility that in-house resources may categorize certain processes to be needless based on their knowledge, but it might be unproductive. Tech managers should give their UiPath consultants flexibility on their process complexity analysis, even at the risk of exceeding a timeline.
  • Addressing IT Challenges – UiPath consultants cannot solve certain IT challenges on their own. Organizations outsourcing their UiPath implementation without involving IT will eventually lead to failure. Hence, during the implementation journey, it is essential to involve IT resources. They can address concerns on time and overcome turbulence.

Closing Thoughts

A UiPath automation journey will only be successful if CIOs and other IT leaders consider taking a collaborative approach. By setting up the right foundation, UiPath partners will offer the ability to centrally organize, secure, and govern a range of automation functions. With stakeholder (IT and business) buy-in, leaders can automate faster and more efficiently, and reduce costs significantly.