The Indian government is cognizant of how climate change affects agriculture and the livelihoods of farmers. The network centres spread across the nation conducted extensive field and simulation studies in agriculture. Using the crop simulation models, the projected climates for 2050 and 2080 were incorporated into the assessment of the impact of climate change. If adaptation measures not adopted, it is projected that the yields of rice that rainfed in India will decrease by 20% in 2050 and 47% in 2080, while the yields of rice that irrigated will decrease by 3.5% in 2050 and 5% in 2080 scenarios.

Wheat yield predicted to decrease by 19.3% in 2050 and 40% in 2080 scenarios due to climate change, with notable regional and temporal variations, by the end of the century. In 2050 and 2080, respectively, it predicted that change of climate will result in a reduction of 18 and 23% in kharif maize yields. Crop yields decreased by climate change, and produce has lower nutritional value. Droughts and other extreme weather patterns have an impact on farmers as well as the consumption of food and nutrients.

The Indian government has developed programmes and plans to increase agriculture’s resistance to climate change. One of the missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) is the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). The mission is to develop and put into practice strategies that will increase Indian agriculture’s resistance to climate change.

What Effects Does Climate Change Have on Indian Agriculture?

India’s health predicted to significantly impacted by climate change, with the poorest populations likely to most severely affected. Malnutrition predicted to increase. By 2050, stunting of children expected to rise by 35% when compared to a world without climate change. Farmers can also use different methods and advanced machines like Mahindra 475 tractor to sustain.

Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA)

Climate-resilient agricultural systems, which strive to raise farm incomes and productivity over time even in the face of climate variability, include sustainable farming practices. The sustainable use of the natural resources already available to support livestock and crops given priority in this strategy. By using CRA, farmers can foresee, prepare for, and respond to risky occurrences, trends, or disruptions related to climate change.

In order to properly manage livestock, farmland, and the surrounding landscapes—which include groves, forests, and biodiversity—farmers advised to adopt climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies. CSA technologies tackle the linked issues of food security and climate change with a sustainable methodology. Climate-smart agriculture technologies underpinned by three key objectives: increasing productivity and incomes; improving livelihoods and ecosystem resilience; and lowering and eventually eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

The following areas are where climate-smart agriculture technologies applied:

Soil Management

Fertile top soil washed away by heavy rains, particularly on sloping terrain. In addition to being very helpful in areas that are prone to drought because it helps retain soil moisture, planting ground cover helps keep soil in place during heavy rains. Farmers can construct drainage systems in flood-prone areas to prevent. Additionally, planting on natural terraces or hillsides is a good way to reduce soil erosion. Mulching, or adding organic material to the soil from crop leftovers, can also beneficial.

Pest Management

Pests and illnesses brought on by global warming have the potential to severely lower yields and even wipe out entire farms. For example, the roya fungus has spread due to rising temperatures, destroying coffee farms throughout Central America. The tried-and-true methods of combating diseases and pests in a changing climate frequently fall short; desperate farmers tempted to use more pesticides, but doing so will only drive up costs, kill beneficial insects, and raise the possibility of contaminating humans and the environment.

Crop Management

Climate-smart strategies specific to a given landscape, farming community, or even individual farm identified following an assessment of climate impacts and risks. Pruning, for instance, is necessary for cocoa but must take local climate risks into consideration. Pruning should done more frequently in areas with heavy rainfall to ensure stronger trees that recover more quickly. On the other hand, during extended dry spells, farmers should avoid pruning to the point where primary branches and trunks overly exposed to sunlight. For cocoa, different methods of harvesting and fermentation also needed depending on the climate. To dry beans in the event of heavy rains or excessive moisture, make a basic solar dryer out of wood frames and plastic sheets.


Climate change will probably make food insecurity worse in the future by driving up food prices and lowering food production. However, we can lessen the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture by putting smart agriculture technologies and an efficient climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) approach into practice.

These are all about Climate’s Influence on Indian Agriculture and Crop Production. For details regarding Swaraj 735 tractor, stay tuned with us.