Angel Care NY is an excellent companion for seniors who have seen the good and bad times and understand the value of care. All those seeking the care of professionals can navigate the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) program and benefit from the valuable Medicaid waiver program.

This waiver allows eligible seniors and individuals with disabilities to receive the care they need while remaining comfortably at home, surrounded by loved ones. Moreover, this program is covered for many seniors so they do not have to worry about additional costs.

What is the NHTD Program?

The NHTD program, also known as the NHTD waiver, is designed to provide convenience to all individuals. People who qualify for nursing home care stay in their homes or transition back home from a nursing facility. This plan allows people to be comfortable at home while under professional care.

This program allows seniors access to a dedicated NHTD service coordinator who can help them with all services, including Nursing home transition and diversion. This plan can be a personalized care plan that can incorporate various services to meet your unique needs and requirements.

What Services Does the NHTD Program Offer?

Angel Care NY is a qualified provider of a wide range of NHTD services, including:

Personal Care Assistance (PCA)

Senior citizens and all those who need personal care assistance can rely on Angel Care NY for daily chores such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and medication reminders. Moreover, seniors can also seek assistance for other activities, such as making telephone calls and social interactions.

Home Health Aides (HHA)

Angel Care offers skilled medical professionals who are amicable and understand the needs of seniors. These professionals can provide wound care, injections, and medication management services. These professionals differ from the NHTD service coordinator, who finds the best professional to suit any client.

Wellness Counseling

Many people require wellness counseling to overcome chronic conditions and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Structured Day Programs

Why should anyone be isolated from social interactions or healthy activities going on around them? Angel Care NHTD program offers assistance for seniors who want to participate in social and stimulating activities that promote mental and physical well-being.

Respite Services

The NHTD waiver includes respite services, which means you can take a break from caregiving responsibilities by getting someone to do it for you. This service is for caregivers because Angel Care NY provides temporary relief.

Respiratory Therapy

Many respiratory patients cannot regularly visit a hospital or clinic to consult a doctor on time. Moreover, they often need quick emergency services. Angel Care can offer amazing respiratory services through professionals who are proficient in nursing home transition and diversion and can handle emergencies at home.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Patients can now learn strategies to manage challenging behaviors and promote a safe and supportive home environment. Caregivers can also benefit from this NHTD program offer.

Peer Mentoring

Angel Care NY is ready to expand the network and create opportunities to connect with others who understand your experiences and can offer encouragement and support.

Moving Assistance

When seniors require nursing home transition and diversion, Angel Care NY provides a smooth and stress-free transition into your new home environment.

Nutritional Counseling and Education

Seniors with various kinds of illnesses or malnutrition can benefit from personalized guidance on maintaining a healthy diet to support their overall well-being.

Independent Living Skills Training

Seniors need to be confident about living alone, and when they are ready to regain or maintain their independence, the NHTD service coordinator can assign them an assistant.

Home Visits

Professional caregivers can visit seniors as part of the NHTD waiver program. These professionals monitor their health and well-being.

Environmental Modifications

Angel Care believes in making the home safer for seniors, and that can be done with modifications like grab bars or ramps.

Home-Delivered Meals

Seniors can enjoy nutritious meals delivered directly to their doorstep.

Other services

Angel Care NY offers assistive technology, allowing seniors to explore tools and devices to help them maintain their independence. Moreover, community and transitional services allow clients to connect with resources and NHTD programs that help them stay engaged in the community.

Another service is community integration counseling, which allows clients to receive support for reintegrating into the community after a nursing home stay.

Benefits of Choosing Angel Care NY for Your NHTD Services

Experienced and Compassionate Caregivers

There can be many nursing services available, but what sets Angel Care apart is the compassion and experience. The team of highly trained and dedicated caregivers who are passionate about providing exceptional care makes this service special.

Personalized Care Plans

Angel Care works closely with clients and their NHTD service coordinator to develop a plan that meets their needs.

Family Care

Angel Care follows the family’s standards of care, which means that every client is made to feel at home as if they are cared for by a family member. Every client has a personalized care plan, which is made with the idea that there should be no space for the senior care receiver or the patient to believe that he is with a stranger. Angel Care NY is the ultimate caring service out there.


Angel Care is the best name for compassionate and careful vigilance for seniors or patients who require a companion. From social interactions to respite services, everything that Angel Care offers will be of superior quality and testify to the service provider’s goal of sharing compassion and gentle service.

If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about the NHTD program or the NHTD waiver, Angel Care NY can help. You will be happy with your choice as this service can help communicate better with the NHTD service coordinator and also ensure a smooth nursing home transition and diversion.