Independent minds should consider a profession in design that will give them a platform to showcase their creativity and innovation. For candidates with talent, curiosity, and a desire to solve problems, design is an amazing career option.

Among the design courses, graphic design finds a special mention as it satisfies the creative and innovative needs of people. Graphic design is a field where candidates are required to produce visual information that conveys meaningful messages. Contents like website design, app interfaces, logos, advertisements, stickers, etc are produced by graphic designers for the use of the audience.

Aspirants who pursue a B. Des course from the top B. Des colleges in Pune can advance their careers as professional graphic designers and earn higher recognition in life.

Why pursue a B. Des course?

A B. Des in Graphic Design/User Experience Design (UI/UX) gives students technical knowledge on how to create visual content to express messages. Students get to know about the use of graphics in web content, video production, advertisements, brochures, etc.

Candidates are required to apply their creativity and innovation in this field to come up with unique products to be used by audiences. There are several benefits to pursuing this course.

Creation of graphics: Through a graphic design course, students learn to create graphics on websites and pages and create a user-friendly experience for the audience. Candidates get to know about a variety of subjects like web technologies, web design, app design, computer graphics, etc in the course.

Software program: A graphic design course imparts training to students on how to use software tools like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, etc. to give magical effects to their design. The software programs are rich in features that will let you easily create stunning designs and graphics.

Hone skills: A graphic design course helps students sharpen their technical and soft skills. With developed skills, web designers can work as a team and achieve greater success for their work and the firm as a whole. To help students succeed as professional web designers, a B. Des course sharpens skills like time management, multitasking, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, etc. Your skills as a designer will be improved that will make you in an in-demand professional.

B. Des colleges in Pune

The best path to a successful design career is through formal education from the best B. Des colleges in Pune which gives the candidates a solid educational foundation and a deep understanding of the fundamentals of design.

D Y Patil International University is one of the best colleges in Pune that students can enroll in to receive the best formal training in this field. The institute’s design course familiarizes students with the professional side of graphics and web design and helps candidates land a good job with a decent salary. The B. Des course develops critical thinking skills while also laying a strong academic basis. The curriculum follows industry-specific standards and prepares students for successful professions right after completion of courses.

Check out the other institutes that offer design courses:

  • Vishwakarma University
  • MIT University
  • Arena Animation
  • International School of Design

Career after B Design Course

B. Des in Graphic Design/User Experience Design (UI/UX) is a highly valuable degree for students to land a lucrative career. Candidates will have a bright career after B Design courseand can work in top offices with an attractive salary. After earning a B. Des degree, candidates can work in the following positions:

  • UI/UX Designer
  • UX Researcher
  • Design director
  • Brand designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Web designer
  • Advertisement maker

You can explore more career opportunities in various industries, and advance your career as a designer with latest skills.


Designing is today one of the in-demand career opportunities for candidates. Aspirants who select design as a profession would receive a rewarding career after B Design Course. Candidates can advance their careers as professional designers and earn higher recognition in the design community.