
Chronic back pain is one of the challenging issues that many people are experiencing at the global level. For effective chronic back pain treatment, it is essential to determine the valid reason for causing back pain, which can be possible only through the correct diagnosis. This piece of information discusses the different ways of diagnosis to know the reason behind chronic back pain. Some user-friendly approaches that are often recommended by back pain doctor are listed below:-


Thorough Evaluation

When visiting health care professionals for the first time, they will ask you questions about back pain and what you were doing when you first noticed it. Does that affect your daily activities? Can you explain your pain in brief? Also, they focus on past medical history or existing medications if you are using any. Moreover, they enquire about lifestyle-related questions, including work habits, genetics, and previous accidents or injuries. This enables them to identify the trigger areas and narrow down possible causes.


Physical Examination

A physical examination is essential in identifying the spine’s condition, including muscle strength, motion, and any visible abnormalities. They also observe signs of nerve involvement, like reflexes and sensation abnormalities. This helps back pain specialists identify the exact location and recommend further diagnostic tests, if required.


Imaging Studies

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CT (Computed Tomography) scans are advanced imaging tests that provide a detailed view of the spinal structure. However, X-rays will tell about the fracture in bones. In contrast, MRI and CT scans provide a clear view of soft tissues, nerves, and discs. These advanced imaging techniques help in determining spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, and herniated discs that contribute to chronic back pain.


Blood Tests

Back pain Doctor West Orange may ask you to perform some blood tests that are a reason for causing back pain. Sometimes infections, autoimmune disorders, or metabolic issues can also cause chronic back pain. Blood tests help identify the condition and narrow down the possibilities of back pain.


Electromyography (EMG)

EMG is a diagnostic test performed to assess muscle and nerve activities. Moreover, it also identifies nerve damage or dysfunction contributing to the development of chronic back pain, especially in radiculopathy or neuropathy and is particularly useful.



This diagnostic process is performed by injecting a contrast dye into spinal discs to pinpoint the damaged nerves. This invasive procedure provides detailed insights into the actual condition of the spine, and healthcare professionals tailor strategies accordingly to manage back pain.


Second Opinions and Specialist Consultations

If you are dealing with chronic back pain, taking a second opinion or consulting with back pain specialists becomes essential. Also, you can consult orthopedic specialists and neurologists for more accurate diagnosis.


Wrapping It Up

Determining the root cause of chronic back pain involves a thorough examination, blood tests, physical examination, and special tests like Discography or Electromyography (EMG). Open communication between patients and healthcare professionals in resolving the mystery behind back pain.