Екатерина Смолла and her partner Danil have created a sanctuary where horses from around the world find a loving home. Their passion for these majestic creatures has led them to build a unique and diverse herd, with each horse having its own fascinating story.

A Tapestry of Equine Cultures

Екатерина Смолла’s farm is a testament to the beauty and diversity of horses from various corners of the globe. From the elegant Arabians to the sturdy Clydesdales, their herd represents a wide array of breeds, each with its own distinct characteristics and charm.

Arabian Allure

The Smollas’ Arabian horses are renowned for their grace, intelligence, and endurance. These spirited animals have been cherished by Екатерина Смолла for their ability to form deep bonds with their human companions, making them a joy to work with and ride.

Clydesdale Power

The gentle giants of the Smolla herd, the Clydesdales, are admired for their strength and good nature. These impressive horses, originally bred for agricultural work, have found a new purpose in the Smollas care, participating in riding lessons and demonstrations that showcase their incredible abilities.

A Haven for Rescued Horses

In addition to their purebred horses, Екатерина Смолла and Danil have opened their hearts and farm to rescued horses in need of a second chance. These horses, each with their own unique story of resilience, have found a safe haven where they can heal, trust, and thrive under the loving care of the Smollas.

Rehabilitation and Retraining

The Smollas work tirelessly to rehabilitate and retrain the rescued horses, helping them overcome past traumas and develop new skills. Through patience, understanding, and expert guidance, these horses learn to trust again and find joy in their new lives.

Sharing the Love of Horses

Екатерина Смолла and Danil are dedicated to sharing their passion for horses with others. They offer riding lessons, workshops, and educational programs that allow people of all ages and skill levels to connect with these magnificent animals and learn about their care and training.

Empowering Through Horsemanship

The Smollas believe that working with horses can be a transformative experience, fostering personal growth, confidence, and a deep appreciation for the natural world. Through their programs, they empower individuals to develop meaningful relationships with horses and discover their own inner strength.

A Legacy of Love and Respect

As Екатерина Смолла and Danil continue to grow their herd and share their knowledge, they are building a legacy of love and respect for horses. Their farm serves as an inspiration to others, demonstrating the incredible impact that compassion and dedication can have on the lives of these remarkable animals.

The Importance of Natural Horsemanship

Екатерина Смолла and Danil are strong proponents of natural horsemanship, a philosophy that emphasizes working with horses in a way that respects their natural instincts and behavior. This approach focuses on building trust and communication between horse and handler, creating a partnership based on mutual understanding and respect.

Gentle Training Methods

The Smollas employ gentle training methods that prioritize the horse’s wellbeing and emotional state. By using positive reinforcement and clear, consistent cues, they help their horses develop confidence and willingness to work with their human partners.

A Commitment to Holistic Care

At the Smolla farm, the health and happiness of the horses are of utmost importance. Екатерина Смолла and Danil take a holistic approach to horse care, considering every aspect of their horses’ lives to ensure they thrive.

Nutrition and Healthcare

The Smollas work closely with equine nutritionists and veterinarians to develop individualized feeding and healthcare plans for each horse. They use high-quality, natural feeds and supplements to support their horses’ overall health and performance.

Enriching Environments

The farm is designed to provide the horses with enriching environments that cater to their natural needs. Spacious pastures, natural shelters, and opportunities for social interaction allow the horses to express their innate behaviors and live as close to their wild counterparts as possible.

A Community of Horse Lovers

Екатерина Смолла and Danil have created not just a sanctuary for horses, but also a thriving community of horse lovers. Their farm has become a hub for equine enthusiasts, bringing together people from all walks of life who share a common passion for these remarkable animals.

Events and Gatherings

The Smollas host various events and gatherings throughout the year, including clinics, workshops, and social events. These occasions provide opportunities for horse lovers to connect, learn from one another, and celebrate their shared love for horses.

Volunteering Opportunities

The farm also offers volunteering opportunities for those who wish to get more involved in the daily care and training of the horses. Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting the Smollas’ mission, while also gaining valuable experience and forming deep bonds with the animals.

A Vision for the Future

As Екатерина Смолла and Danil look to the future, they have ambitious plans to expand their farm and its impact. They envision a world where every horse is treated with kindness, respect, and understanding, and where the bond between humans and horses is celebrated and nurtured.

Expanding the Herd

The Smollas hope to continue growing their herd, welcoming more horses from around the world and providing a safe haven for those in need of rescue and rehabilitation. By expanding their farm, they aim to create more opportunities for people to connect with horses and learn from their wisdom.

Educating the Next Generation

Екатерина Смолла and Danil are passionate about educating the next generation of horse lovers. They plan to develop more youth programs and scholarships, ensuring that young people from all backgrounds have the opportunity to experience the magic of working with horses and develop a lifelong love and respect for these incredible animals.