Diet plays an important role in determining overall oral health. To ensure this, discovering the right foods to eat and steering clear of the ones to avoid is crucial. This blog guides readers through the essentials of maintaining strong teeth and a healthy mouth by listing the foods to include and exclude from your diet.

Eat these for healthy teeth

Listed below are some foods to seek out for good oral health.

Green vegetables

In terms of oral health, green vegetables are the unsung heroes that promote the growth of healthy bacteria. They aid in the production of nitrite-reducing bacteria in the mouth. This leads to an impressive uptick in nitric oxide, a boon for both oral health and the cardiovascular system. Supporting this, some research studies indicate a notable increase in nitric oxide levels with the consumption of green vegetables.

Some of the leafy greens that are good for dental health include kale, spinach, turnip greens, swiss chard, and rocket. Incorporating these green leafy vegetables into a diet will leave the teeth feeling cleaner and healthier.

Cheese, milk, and other dairy products

Cheese is the powerhouse of calcium that helps maintain strong and healthy teeth. It contains a high amount of casein, a protein crucial for fortifying tooth enamel. The calcium content in cheese supports bone density and also aids in preserving tooth enamel by balancing pH levels in the mouth.

Milk is a rich calcium beverage that effectively lowers acid levels in the mouth, playing a crucial role in preventing tooth decay. In addition to milk, yoghurt is a formidable defender against cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath. Yoghurt stimulates saliva production and helps in the removal of bad bacteria from the mouth. Dairy products are a good choice for maintaining healthy oral health as they play a pivotal role in replenishing lost minerals and rebuilding tooth enamel.


Nuts offer a plethora of health benefits for the teeth. Packed with vital elements such as calcium and phosphorus, almonds, brazil nuts, and cashews stand out as particularly beneficial in the battle against bacteria that contribute to tooth decay. Among nuts, peanuts are the heroes of both calcium and vitamin D, while almonds provide a significant amount of calcium for the teeth too. Walnuts, rich in nutritional profile, contain fibre, folic acid, iron, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, zinc and other nutrients essential for boosting oral health.

Meat and fish

Owing to its rich vitamin D content, fatty fish emerges as an important element in many diet-conscious patterns. Along with vitamin D, fish are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support gum health and prevent periodontitis. For people dealing with gum issues, such as bleeding during brushing and flossing, an increase in omega-3 intake becomes a strategic move to mitigate inflammation and bleeding. Tuna, mackerel, salmon, and trout are rich sources of omega-3 and vitamin D.

Coffee, green teas and black teas

Teas, both green and black, have a rich content of polyphenols, chemical compounds that actively engage with plaque bacteria. They eliminate the growth of bacteria and prevent the production of acids that harm the teeth. Polyphenols, with a high amount of antioxidants, help combat cell damage and contribute to reducing inflammation, aiding in the fight against cancer. Coffee intake is also encouraged, as it contains polyphenols that contribute to dental health and provide several other health benefits.

Avoid these for healthy teeth

Listed below are some foods to avoid to maintain good oral health.


Chewing bread triggers a process where saliva breaks down starches into sugar, transforming the bread into a gummy paste that can lead to crevices in the teeth. This sticky residue becomes a catalyst for cavities, leading to gum and tooth problems. Whole-wheat breads can be considered an alternative since they contain fewer added sugars and possess a structural resilience that hinders easy breakdown.

Carbonated beverages

In various research studies, it was found that consuming substantial amounts of carbonated drinks could result in tooth damage, equivalent to the impact observed with the use of methamphetamine and crack cocaine. Fizzy soft drinks stimulate plaque to generate increased amounts of acid, which attacks the tooth enamel.

Lentils and beans

Beans and lentils are considered healthy food choices, but they also have a downside when it comes to oral health due to the presence of phytic acid. Beans and lentils can still be incorporated into a healthy diet if the phytic acid content is minimised. One way is to soak them overnight before consumption to eliminate excess phytic acid. For better results, opt for sprouted grains, as they promote overall well-being.

Dried fruits

Dried fruit is devoid of its water content and transforms into a sticky, caramel-like substance that becomes a sugar-rich feast for the oral microbiome. Because they are dried, they have low pH levels and contribute to cavity formation, leading to tooth decay.

Maintaining good oral health is a challenge nowadays. However, with a good knowledge of what to eat and what not to eat, you can build great dental health. To help with this, a Bondi Junction dentist, or nearby clinic, can provide valuable advice on teeth whitening in Bondi and other services to help make your smile sparkle.