re you suffering from hair loss? Do you not like the way you look because of your balding scalp? Then you’re at the right place! In this blog, we will discuss the hair transplant no shave method of hair growth. The busy world we live in requires lots of sacrifices for success. We often go through stress and anxiety, leading to many harmful effects on our bodies. These effects include hair loss as well.

Although looks aren’t everything, they help you make an impression. Good hair not only makes you attractive but also builds your confidence. Let us teach you how to get a hair transplant by shaving your head!

What are hair transplant no shave methods?

Earlier, it was mandatory to shave your head before the surgeons could plant new hairs. There is no need for that today. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get out of work or don’t have time and patience for your hair to grow again.

There are methods available at Harley St Healthcare that provide you with an option of hair transplant, no shaveIt allows you to get a hair transplant without shaving your head. There are usually two non-shaving methods of hair transplant. Let’s understand these methods in detail:

· The FUE hair transplant:

The FUE hair transplant is one of the best methods of hair growth treatment. In this treatment, each hair follicle takes place. The surgeons pluck out hair individually and plant healthier hair to the roots.

The FUE hair transplant no shave method is less painful than other forms of hair treatment. It doesn’t leave any scar on your scalp and heals quickly.

· The FUT hair transplant:

The FUT hair transplant is a method of hair transplantation without needing to shave your head. The FUT method is slightly painful as it is a unit surgery. Some area of the scalp is cut out where enough hair is present. The transplant of this scalp of hair takes place at the regions of the head that need the coat.

FUT hair transplant no shavemay leave scars, cause bleeding, or other issues. There is also a possibility of hair transplant looking fake.

These two are popular means of transplanting hair without shaving. It would help to remember that everyone is different, so not everyone can use the no-shaving method. Understand every hair transplant technique’s procedures and pros and cons, then decide accordingly.

Final Words:

This hair transfer means you can quickly regain lost confidence in your looks. Do your research before you choose your method of hair transplant no shave, and you are ready to fix your beautiful hair. Visit the site of Harley St Healthcare for more information.