Understanding Pediatric Dental Care in Matthews

Smart Choices for Your Infant’s Growth and Development

Making smart choices for your infant’s growth and development is crucial, especially when it comes to oral health. Healthy growth starts young, and understanding the best practices for infant oral care can set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. Expecting young mothers should be aware of the importance of oral health even before their baby’s first tooth appears.

  • Infant Tongue Tie Release Information
  • Breastfeeding and Oral Habits
  • Teething and Cavity Prevention
  • How to Break Your Child’s Bad Oral Habits

It’s a little-known fact that infants are born without the bacteria that cause cavities. This highlights the importance of preventing the transmission of harmful bacteria to the child’s mouth, which can be achieved through proper oral hygiene practices and avoiding certain behaviors, such as sharing utensils.

Silver diamine fluoride and laser treatments are modern options for managing early dental issues. Pediatric cleaning and diagnosis services, along with restorative treatments like fillings and crowns, play a significant role in maintaining your infant’s oral health. It’s also essential to understand the potential need for pediatric sedation and orthodontics as part of comprehensive care.

Pediatric Cleaning/Diagnosis Services

Regular dental cleanings and early diagnosis are pivotal in maintaining your child’s oral health. At Matthews Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of these services in detecting potential issues before they become serious problems. Our pediatric cleaning and diagnosis services are designed to be thorough yet gentle, ensuring your child’s comfort throughout the process.

  • Initial Examination: A comprehensive check to assess oral health.
  • Cleaning: Removal of plaque and tartar to prevent cavities.
  • Fluoride Treatment: To strengthen tooth enamel and fight decay.
  • Digital X-Rays: Safe and quick imaging to identify hidden issues.

It’s essential to establish a routine of regular dental visits for your child. This not only helps in keeping their teeth and gums healthy but also inculcates good oral hygiene habits from an early age.

Remember, the goal of pediatric cleaning and diagnosis is not just to treat dental issues, but to prevent them. By partnering with a trusted provider like Matthews Family Dentistry, you can ensure that your child’s smile remains bright and healthy.

Pediatric Restorative Treatments and Preventative Services

Ensuring your child’s dental health involves a combination of restorative treatments and preventative measures. Pediatric restorative treatments are essential for correcting problems that can affect a child’s oral development and overall health. These treatments include procedures such as fillings, crowns, and root canals, which are tailored to the unique needs of children’s teeth.

Preventative services are equally important in maintaining your child’s oral health. Regular cleanings, the application of sealants, and fluoride treatments can help prevent decay and other dental issues.

While restorative treatments address existing dental problems, preventative services aim to avoid the development of such issues in the first place. Here is a list of common pediatric dental services provided in Matthews, NC:

  • Pediatric Crowns
  • Root Canal Therapy
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Sedation Options for Anxious Patients
  • Orthodontic Evaluations
  • Management of TMJ Disorders
  • Custom Athletic Mouth Guards

It’s important to note that while pediatric dental care focuses on the health of young smiles, adults in Matthews seeking dentures Matthews NC can find expert care as well. Quality dentures Matthews NC are available for those in need of tooth replacement options, ensuring that patients of all ages have access to the dental care they require.

Navigating Dental Emergencies for Children

Trauma and Injury Management

When it comes to pediatric dental care, managing trauma and injury effectively is crucial for the long-term oral health of your child. Immediate and appropriate action can significantly improve outcomes for dental injuries, which are not uncommon in active children. Here are some steps to follow in case of dental trauma:

  • Remain calm and reassure your child.
  • Locate and save any broken tooth fragments.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Contact your pediatric dentist immediately.

It’s essential to have a dental emergency plan in place before an incident occurs. Knowing the location of your nearest pediatric dental clinic in Matthews, NC, and having their contact information readily available can make all the difference in an emergency.

Remember, not all dental injuries are visible to the naked eye, and symptoms such as pain or changes in tooth color can develop over time. Regular check-ups can help identify and address these issues early on.

Guidelines for Knocked Out or Fractured Teeth

When a child experiences a knocked out or fractured tooth, it’s crucial to act swiftly and follow the right steps to increase the chances of saving the tooth. Immediate action can make a significant difference in the outcome.

  • For a knocked out permanent tooth: Pick up the tooth by the crown, not the root, rinse it gently if dirty, and try to reinsert it into the socket. If that’s not possible, keep the tooth moist in milk or saliva.
  • For a fractured tooth: Rinse the child’s mouth with warm water, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling, and contact your pediatric dentist immediately.

It’s important to remember that not all dental injuries are visible to the naked eye. Therefore, even if the injury seems minor, a visit to the dentist is essential to rule out any underlying damage.

Understanding the type of dental trauma is key to managing it effectively. Here’s a quick reference table for common dental injuries:

Injury Type Description Immediate Action
Avulsed Tooth Complete displacement of the tooth from its socket Try to reinsert, or store in milk/saliva
Fractured Tooth Cracks or breaks in the tooth structure Rinse mouth, apply cold compress, see dentist
Soft Tissue Injury Cuts or lacerations to the gums, tongue, or cheek Clean gently, apply pressure, seek dental care

Always consult with a pediatric dentist for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your child’s specific situation.

When to Seek Immediate Dental Attention

Recognizing when a dental emergency requires immediate attention is crucial for the well-being of your child. If your child experiences severe pain, uncontrollable bleeding, or has a tooth knocked out, it’s time to seek immediate dental care.

  • Severe toothache or pain
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Knocked out (avulsed) teeth
  • Fractured or chipped teeth with severe pain
  • Swelling in the mouth or facial area
  • Signs of infection, such as fever and swelling

In cases of dental trauma, time is of the essence. Acting swiftly can make a significant difference in the outcome of the treatment. It’s important to have a dental emergency plan in place and know the location of your nearest pediatric dental clinic in Matthews, NC.

Remember, not all dental issues require immediate attention, but if you’re unsure, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and consult with a dental professional.

The Role of Orthodontics in Pediatric Dentistry

Identifying the Need for Orthodontic Referrals

Recognizing when a child may require an orthodontic referral is crucial for their long-term dental health. Orthodontists specialize in correcting irregularities in teeth and jaws, and early intervention can prevent more serious issues as your child grows. Here are some signs that might indicate the need for an orthodontic evaluation:

  • Persistent thumb or pacifier sucking beyond the age of five
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting
  • Mouth breathing or speech impediments
  • Protruding teeth or jaws
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth

It’s important to consult with your pediatric dentist about these concerns. They can guide whether an orthodontic referral is necessary and discuss the potential benefits of early orthodontic treatment.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s advisable to schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist. They will assess your child’s dental development and can refer you to a trusted orthodontist in Matthews, NC if needed. Remember, timely referrals can make a significant difference in treatment outcomes.

Managing TMJ Disorders in Children

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD) in children can lead to a range of complications if not addressed promptly. Early intervention is crucial to prevent long-term effects such as headaches, jaw pain, and difficulties with eating or speaking. Myobrace, a treatment option for TMD, focuses on teaching the facial muscles to relax and positioning the tongue correctly to avoid thrusting against the teeth.

The symptoms of TMD in children can vary, but common signs include:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Teeth or dental restoration failure
  • Pain or tenderness of the jaw joint
  • “Lock Jaw” or clicking and popping when opening the mouth
  • Earaches
  • Upper shoulder pain

It’s important to recognize these symptoms early and consult with a pediatric dentist or orthodontist who can provide a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your child’s needs.

Management of TMD often involves a multidisciplinary approach, including referrals to specialists such as orthodontists for braces or other corrective devices, and possibly physical therapists for exercises that strengthen and relax the jaw muscles. Ensuring your child follows the treatment plan and attends regular follow-up appointments is essential for the successful management of TMJ disorders.

The Importance of Athletic Mouth Guards

Ensuring the safety of your child during sports activities is crucial, and athletic mouthguards play a significant role in that protection. These devices are designed to absorb and distribute the force of impacts that may occur, thereby reducing the risk of oral injuries.

  • Prevents tooth fractures and dislocations: Mouth guards are a first line of defense against common dental injuries in sports.
  • Minimizes soft tissue injuries: By providing a barrier between teeth and the soft tissues of the mouth, lacerations and bruising can be avoided.
  • Reduces the risk of concussions: Some studies suggest that mouth guards can help in reducing the severity of concussions.

It’s not just about preventing injuries; mouth guards can also improve athletic performance by allowing the child to focus on the game without the fear of dental trauma.

When selecting a mouth guard, it’s important to choose one that is comfortable, durable, and properly fitted to your child’s mouth. A custom-fitted mouth guard from a dental professional offers the best protection and comfort.

Maximizing Your Dental Visit Experience

Creating a Comfortable Environment for Your Child

Ensuring your child feels at ease during dental visits is crucial for a positive experience. A comfortable environment can significantly reduce anxiety and help your child associate dental care with a sense of safety and well-being. Here are some strategies that have proven effective:

  • Engage in positive talk about the dentist before the visit.
  • Bring a favorite toy or blanket for comfort.
  • Choose a dental office with a child-friendly atmosphere.
  • Schedule visits at a time when your child is usually calm and rested.

It’s essential to find a dental practice that prioritizes your child’s comfort, offering a welcoming space and a patient, understanding team.

Parents often report that features like TVs on the ceiling and a play area help distract and relax their children. Additionally, a staff that is quick, sweet, and comforting can make all the difference. Look for a practice that is not only professional but also empathetic to the needs of both children and parents.

Understanding Insurance & Payment Options

Navigating the financial aspects of dental care can be as important as the treatment itself. Understanding insurance & payment options is crucial to ensure that your child receives the necessary dental care without unexpected expenses. Here’s a brief overview to help you manage the financial side of your child’s dental health:

  • Insurance Coverage: Verify with your dental provider which insurance plans are accepted and understand the coverage details, including deductibles and co-pays.
  • Payment Plans: Many dental offices offer payment plans to spread out the cost of treatment over time, making it more manageable.
  • Out-of-Pocket Costs: Be aware of potential out-of-pocket costs for services that may not be covered by insurance.

It’s essential to have a clear understanding of all costs involved before treatment begins to avoid any surprises. Discuss all financial arrangements with your dental provider beforehand.

Remember, investing in your child’s dental health now can prevent more costly treatments in the future. Don’t hesitate to ask your dental office for a breakdown of costs and payment options available to you.

What to Expect During Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Understanding what to expect during your child’s first dental visit can help alleviate any concerns you might have. The initial appointment is typically about getting your child comfortable with the dentist’s office and usually includes a gentle examination of teeth, gums, jaw, and bite, to check for any potential issues.

  • Introduction to the dental team
  • Discussion about your child’s oral health and habits
  • Examination of your child’s teeth and gums
  • Guidance on proper dental care at home
  • Scheduling the next visit

It’s important to remember that a positive first experience can shape your child’s attitude toward dental health for years to come. The goal is to create a stress-free visit that educates both you and your child on the best oral health practices.

Parents often report that their children are much more at ease after the first few visits, thanks to the welcoming and family-friendly environment provided by the staff. With the right preparation and understanding, your child’s first dental visit can be a stepping stone towards a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Educational Resources for Parents

Breaking Bad Oral Habits in Children

Breaking bad oral habits early in a child’s life is crucial for their dental health and overall well-being. Habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged use of pacifiers, and teeth grinding can lead to dental issues that may require corrective treatments later on.

  • Thumb Sucking: Can cause misalignment of teeth.
  • Pacifier Use: Should be limited as it may affect teeth positioning.
  • Teeth Grinding: Often stress-related, can wear down tooth enamel.

It’s important to address these habits with gentle guidance and positive reinforcement. Creating a plan to phase out these behaviors can be effective, and your pediatric dentist can provide specific strategies tailored to your child’s needs.

Remember, the goal is not to punish but to encourage and support your child through the transition away from detrimental oral habits. Consistency and patience are key in helping your child develop a healthy oral routine.

Knowledge Center: Blogs and Videos to Inform and Educate

In today’s digital age, parents have access to a wealth of information right at their fingertips. Our Knowledge Center is designed to be your go-to resource for all things related to pediatric dental care. Explore our blog posts and video bank for insights and tips that can help you maintain your child’s oral health.

  • Blog Highlights:
    • ‘I wish I knew how harmful the pacifier is.’
    • ‘It is not normal for my child to sleep with their mouth open!’
    • ‘Infants are born without bacteria that cause cavities!’

Our video bank complements the blog by providing visual guides and explanations, making complex topics more accessible and easier to understand.

Remember, while online resources are incredibly helpful, they should not replace professional dental advice. Always consult with your pediatric dentist for personalized care.

For a structured approach to oral hygiene, consider the following steps:

  1. Pediatric pre-treatment instructions to help fight the ‘scarries’.
  2. Post-Treatment Instructions to ensure proper healing.
  3. Oral Hygiene Instructions to establish daily routines.
  4. Understanding Fluoride: from delivery methods to ADA recommendations.

Products and Practices We Recommend for Optimal Oral Health

Ensuring your child’s oral health is a top priority for every parent. We recommend a variety of products and practices that are designed to maintain and improve dental health from infancy through adolescence. These recommendations are based on the latest research and our professional experience in pediatric dentistry.

  • Toothbrushes: Choose soft-bristled brushes suitable for your child’s age and replace them every three months or after illness.
  • Toothpaste: Use fluoride toothpaste as recommended by the American Dental Association, but be mindful of the amount based on your child’s age.
  • Diet: Encourage a balanced diet rich in calcium and low in sugary snacks to promote strong teeth.
  • Regular Checkups: Schedule dental checkups every six months for professional cleaning and examination.

It’s not just about the products; it’s also about instilling good oral habits early on. Consistent brushing and flossing routines, combined with regular dental visits, lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Remember, while these products can aid in oral health, they are most effective when used as part of a comprehensive care plan that includes professional dental services and parental guidance.


Embarking on the journey to get dentures in Matthews, NC, can be a transformative experience for your oral health and overall well-being. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the various aspects of obtaining dentures, from understanding the initial consultation process to navigating the aftercare and maintenance. The testimonials and reviews from residents reflect the high-quality care and satisfaction with dental services in the area. With a range of services available, including pediatric dentistry and specialized treatments like orthodontics and oral surgery, Matthews offers comprehensive dental care for all ages. Remember, the key to a successful transition to dentures is finding a trusted dental professional who can provide personalized care and support every step of the way. We hope this guide has been informative and helpful in preparing you for this important decision in your dental health journey.