Recruiting the best people for the job is arguably one of the most complex challenges organizations face today.


Yet what’s best for one is not so for another organization depending upon a range of factors apart from technical skills and intellectual capacity.


More and more companies are recognizing the importance of aligning new hires with their core values, for value-driven work environments excelling in performance.


Key Points


  • Organizational values influence strategies, structures, and systems
  • Seeking candidates who identify with company values is crucial
  • Steps like background checks and social media reviews assess values fit
  • Values-based interviewing evaluates alignment beyond just skills
  • Benefits include better organizational fit, performance, decision-making, and diversity


The Role of Values in Organizational Development


The McKinsey 7-S framework highlights the importance of shared values in influencing an organization.


These values become a foundation influencing the development of strategies, structures, and systems within the company. As they evolve, so do other elements showing just how dynamic the nature of organizational growth is.


Companies must, therefore, seek out candidates who – in addition to possessing the needed knowledge and abilities – also identify with and support the fundamental principles held by the company.


Implementing a Values-Based Selection Process


Adopting a values-based approach in the employee selection process does not shun the importance of assessing technical skills or emotional intelligence. On the contrary, it enriches the process by allowing for a broader observation of behaviors that are driven by values.


Here are steps an organization can take to secure a values-aligned recruitment process:


Background Check


This initial step involves assessing a candidate’s behavioral patterns over time. It’s important to identify consistencies or deviations that might align or conflict with the organization’s values.


Social Media Examination


Today a person’s digital footprint can reveal much about their values. A review of a candidate’s social media platforms can provide insights into their beliefs and principles through their verbal and non-verbal posts.


The Informal Lunch


An informal setting, for example, a lunch with the candidate and their spouse, can be the window for a unique peep into their communication styles, interactions, and behaviors in a social context.


The Formal Interview


This stage is designed to directly assess the candidate’s perception of the organization’s values and how they align with their personal values. The key is to seek consistency between their expressed values and observed behaviors.


Meeting Potential Team Members


Organizing a day out with potential colleagues in a relaxed, fun environment can highlight how well the candidate adjusts with the team. Observing their ability to “flow” with others can be telling of their compatibility.


The Advantages of Values-Based Interviewing


Choosing to implement values-based interviewing brings several benefits:


  1. Organizational Alignment: It makes sure new hires share the organization’s values, leading to better integration, job satisfaction, and adherence to the company culture.


  1. Better Performance: Employees whose values align with their workplace are more motivated and engaged, directly and positively impacting their performance.


  1. Informed Decision-Making: Values-based hiring allows for a more consistent and objective recruitment process. This way candidates are chosen for their skills but also for their potential to contribute to the company’s ethos.


  1. Diversity: Focusing on values rather than solely on skills or experience can broaden the candidate pool for a more diverse and inclusive workforce.




Having a values-based approach to employee selection is a great hiring strategy and an even better long-term investment.


Hiring those who check the boxes of necessary skills and competencies while also conforming to the organization’s core values, companies can:


  • strengthen their workforce,
  • make performances better,
  • maintain their competitive edge in their industry.


It’s a careful and thoughtful recruitment approach, one that is important in building a cohesive, value-driven team poised for success.


For more information, visit  Evalart