The digital landscape is highly competitive. Here, the visual impact of a brand can make or break consumer engagement. So, what should a web design company do? Leverage typography and convert it into a powerful protagonist. As a premier company with several successful web design projects in our kitty, we have mastered the art of navigating the intricate balance of pixels and points. As a result, the websites we design resonate with diverse audiences. 

Today, we will guide you with our expertise in web design typography and share insights we have gathered from our years of experience. We hope they will help you leverage typography and craft compelling online experiences.

What A Web Design Company Must Know About Typography

Most people fail to consider typography a crucial element of web design. Consequently, we lose an essential tool to improve user engagement and brand perception. We must understand the power of well-chosen words and how to present them so they elevate your client’s online presence. Given below are some pointers that will help you understand the role of typography in web design. 

Understanding The Basics Of Typography

Essentially, typography is the art of arranging type on a website. It includes techniques that help make written language legible, readable, and visually appealing. Since it impacts the mood, tone, and overall experience of a website, typography is a crucial component of user interface design. Never mistake critical terms such as font, typeface, kerning, leading, and tracking as mere designer jargon. They are the building blocks of readability and aesthetic appeal. Given the short attention span of the web visitor, as a NYC website design company, you must master these elements. It is a non-negotiable requirement.

Why Typography Matters

Equating typography with font selection is a grave mistake. At its core, typography is a powerful tool for communication. Doing it right can enhance the message you wish to convey. Conversely, poor choices detract and distract. Hence, typography strongly influences first impressions. 

You have only milliseconds to make a mark on the user, so leverage typography to create a strong brand identity. Let us take a real-life example. Think of Coca-Cola or Google, and you will find their fonts are as recognizable as their logos. You must strive to achieve that. Use typography to craft a unique voice and personality for your client brands. This will help them stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

How A Web Design Company Chooses The Right Typography For Your Website

Selecting the right typography involves more than picking beautiful fonts. You must ensure they align with your brand, ensure readability, and enhance the user experience. This choice proves critical when your clients must establish relevance in a crowded and fiercely competitive digital landscape. As the best website design company, you must consider the factors below to achieve this. 

Font Types and Selection

Whether it is a Serif font or Sans-Serif, each font type impacts the website in different ways. The type of font you choose sends a clear message. It defines the tone of your website.

Readability considerations

Size, spacing, and contrast play critical roles. For instance, a website design company specializing in luxury brands might opt for elegant, minimalist fonts that exude sophistication.

Tools and Resources

You can also select and test fonts using different tools available, such as Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. As a web designer, these tools hold immense value for you. Leverage them to make informed choices regarding your fonts. 

Incorporating Typography: Best Practices A Website Design Company Must Adopt

Even the most experienced website designers find it challenging to achieve the perfect balance of website design readability and aesthetics. Here, we delve into nine critical guidelines that can transform a website’s textual landscape to achieve this balance. Understand and implement them to see a tangible difference in how their target audiences perceive your client websites. 

Limiting the Number of typefaces Used

Fostering consistency and visual harmony across your site helps enhance user experience. To ensure these, you must limit yourself to two typefaces. Further, your typefaces must be visually complementary yet distinct enough to allow your viewer to differentiate between headings and body text. Most New York web designs use only one typeface. However, they leverage it to distinguish between different text types by implementing varied weights or styles for headings and body text. This strategy will help you achieve a perfect balance between variety and uniformity.

Embrace Sans Serif for Body Text

These fonts have clean lines and simple forms. Hence, we web designers consider them the go-to font for body text. The reason for this selection is their superior on-screen readability. Conversely, Serif fonts are very elegant-looking. Reserve them for titles, headings, and other ornamental sections of the website. The delineation between complementary font types enhances the overall readability of digital content. 

Prioritize Web-Safe Fonts

Choose web-safe fonts to ensure your text displays consistently across different browsers and devices. This will offer a familiar reading experience. Further, it will help readers focus on your content rather than get sidetracked by unusual font choices. As a website design company in NY, we have found this to be a very useful approach. 

Size Your Text Appropriately

Set your website text size to a minimum of 16px. This is a golden rule of web typography. Follow this to balance readability and space efficiency so you can read without zooming. Headings must be larger than the body text so they stand out. This will guide the reader’s journey through your content.

Avoid All Caps

All caps text can hinder readability. Instead, bold any text you want to emphasize. This method is aesthetically pleasing and maintains the flow of reading. 

Utilize Colors with Intent

Adhere to WCAG norms and maintain 4.5:1 as the text contrast ratio and 3:1 for larger, bold text. This will further help enhance website readability. Utilize tools to check font background contrast. This will help maintain a consistent body text color, ensuring all users can enjoy your content regardless of their visual capabilities.

Adhere to the Ideal Character Count per Line

Keeping to 40 to 80 characters per line is perfect for keeping readers engaged without overwhelming them. This range also allows for optimal readability. It allows the eye to move easily from one line to the next without losing its place. Premier New York web designs follow this count religiously. 

Provide Adequate Spacing Between Lines

Start with a line spacing (leading) of 1.5 for body text. This will make your text breathable and easy on the eyes. Space out the headings a bit more. Paragraph spacing can begin at 2.5. Adjust the paragraph space as required to maintain readability and aesthetic appeal.

Eliminate Text Animations

Text animations can detract the reader, negatively affecting content readability and accessibility. Static text ensures that all visitors can access your information without hassle.


Typography is not just about making words look attractive; it’s about imbuing them with the power to communicate more effectively. As the digital landscape evolves, so too does the art of typography. By staying abreast of these changes, a web design company can create engaging, memorable websites that speak clearly to your audience.