
If you are in search of thrilling job prospects in Australia, it is crucial to understand the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Skill Assessment procedure. This knowledge is essential for securing your ideal job in the country. Let’s guide you through the necessary steps for the ACS Skill Assessment for ICT Project Managers 135112 and provide you with valuable tips to excel in this process effortlessly. Do not overlook this opportunity to launch your career in Australia!

What is the ACS Skill Assessment?

The ACS Skill Assessment is a mandatory requirement for individuals who wish to apply for skilled migration to Australia under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program. The assessment is conducted by the Australian Computer Society, the designated assessing authority for ICT occupations, including the ICT Project Manager (ANZSCO code 135112).

Why is the ACS Skill Assessment important for ICT Project Managers?

The ACS Skill Assessment is a critical step in the visa application process for ICT Project Managers because it validates their qualifications, skills, and work experience. Without a positive assessment, you may not be eligible to apply for certain visa subclasses, such as the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) or the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190).

Key steps in the ACS Skill Assessment process:

Submission of documents: The first step in the ACS Skill Assessment process is to submit all required documents, including academic transcripts, employment references, and proof of English language proficiency.


Assessment of qualifications: The ACS will assess your qualifications to determine if they are equivalent to the Australian educational standards required for the occupation of ICT Project Manager.


Assessment of work experience: The ACS will also assess your work experience to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements set out for ICT Project Managers.


ICT skills assessment: As an ICT Project Manager, you will be required to demonstrate your skills and experience in managing ICT projects, including your technical knowledge and project management capabilities.


Outcome of assessment: Once the assessment is complete, you will receive a letter from the ACS informing you of the outcome. If your assessment is successful, you can proceed with your visa application.

Tips for a successful ACS Skill Assessment:

  • Provide detailed documentation: Ensure that you submit all required documents and provide detailed information about your qualifications and work experience.
  • Prepare for the technical interview: As part of the assessment process, you may be required to undergo a technical interview to demonstrate your ICT skills and knowledge.
  • Seek professional assistance: If you are unsure about any aspect of the ACS Skill Assessment process, consider seeking assistance from a migration agent or professional advisor.


In conclusion, the ACS Skill Assessment process for ICT Project Manager (ANZSCO code 135112) is a crucial step in your journey to work in Australia. By understanding the key steps involved and following the tips provided in this article, you can increase your chances of a successful assessment outcome. Remember to stay organized, provide accurate information, and seek assistance when needed to ensure a smooth and successful application process. Good luck with your assessment!