A few decades ago, there was a stigma attached to wearing braces. People would go to desperate measures to conceal the metal braces that they wore because they were embarrassed. Teens wearing braces through their formative years felt like outcast too. However, things have changed considerably since those days. Those looking for information about Plano Braces professionals certainly realize that fact. At Plano Orthodontics, we supply more than just the traditional braces. We offer the new Invisalign braces to patients. Our patients come from all walks of life. We have kids, teens, and adult patients that walk through our doors daily.

Dental Braces

Some of the people that contact us were referred by their dentist. First, it is important to understand that a family dentist is a professional that is involved with basic dental care. Generally, they keep a list of local orthodontist at hand. They refer their dental patients to Garland Orthodontics for high quality orthodontic treatment by Plano braces professionals. People are referred to our office to treat crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, over-bites, under-bites, and jaw disorders that might make it difficult for them to enjoy a normal life. Those considering braces should definitely arrange for a quick consultation with one of our orthodontic professionals.

Types Of Braces

The fact is that there are major advancements in dental technology. At one time, the traditional metal braces were the only option to straighten teeth. Today, there are several options available. They include:

Traditional Metal Braces – We supply patients with a new and improved updated metal braces that are easier to wear and clean.

Invisible Braces – Invisible braces are very popular because they are difficult to detect on the teeth.

Invisalign – This is a new option that requires aligners to gently straighten the teeth.

Limited Treatment – This is a treatment for the dental patient with minor issues.

Brace Selection

Most people walk into the orthodontics office and frequently have a number of questions about braces. They realize that there are a number of options available, but which treatment is best for them. Well, one of our friendly, professional orthodontist will take a look at the patient’s teeth and discuss the best course of action for them. Generally, they suggest the treatment that is most comfortable for the patient. For example, metal braces are still more popular than you might think because they are very affordable. In addition, the newer braces, we supply are improved and updated over the old metal type. A new type of treatment is Invisalign. Our staff is very familiar and experienced with this new treatment. This treatment requires aligners and is very comfortable for the dental patient. Contact Plano Orthodontics for more information.

Russell Roy is the author of this Article: To know more about Orthodontist in Plano please visit the website.