Goes without saying, that your company’s success is directly dependent on your ability to meet your revenue and growth goals. It is your marketing team’s responsibility to generate leads in an inbound environment. And, then channel those leads to your sales team to obtain customers in an inbound approach. The question is, how many leads?

Do not simply give your boss an answer out of thin air when he or she asks for your lead goal. If you wish to achieve the bigger goals of the company, you should base your projections on maths and make sure that they are consistent with them. Here is where you need to learn how to calculate your lead generation goals effectively. But, before moving on, let’s understand more about the lead generation goal. 

What is a lead generation goal?

Lead generation goals are used to determine the number of prospective customers that your team is expected to generate from its efforts based on the efforts it has made.

In light of the lead generation strategies, software, and resources available to marketing professionals, that is the expected result they should be able to achieve within a given period. As with any Digital Marketing measure, monitoring and accuracy should be a priority when searching for long-term success in the Digital Marketing process. 

The first step towards having satisfactory results, then, is to set realistic goals. If you want to make sure that you achieve results that are satisfactory to you, then it’s essential to set realistic goals. Similarly, generating leads through your online strategies and actions is an integral part of your marketing efforts and should not be neglected.

The lead generation goal provides your team with a clear understanding of the metric on which it should focus its efforts based on to achieve its lead generation objective. The numbers are important in this sense in that they should be attainable and should align with the growth strategy of your company to achieve the desired results.

If you want to determine your team’s performance in lead generation, you should have a goal that everyone can aspire to. The goal should give everyone a chance to meet. Moreover, it is a means of appreciating the resources available to the organization when pursuing goals that will benefit the enterprise.

The management of leads in a business is not an easy task. Additionally, you must track sales leads and know what needs to be accomplished in the coming months – it is not enough to attract and convert them. As such, you need to establish a lead generation goal: what you want your marketing team to accomplish by the end of the next evaluation. 

Just because you had a high number of leads in a given month does not necessarily imply that this number will increase in the following month.

Importance of Precise and Realistic Calculations in the SaaS Industry

Having a direction is captious to the megahit of any plan. It’s no different for the work of magnet and lead generation without things to be achieved, the tendency is that the tasks aren’t performed precisely. 

In other words, be it lower or advanced, making miscalculations in the description of your lead generation thing will damage your gang’s work routine. 

In the long run, this will lead to wrong performance — later, the results won’t match what’s anticipated. 

Still, transformations won’t be enough, If the band generates smaller leads than what’s necessary. Indeed if the conversion rate is excellent, will the aggregate of new guests be enough for the company’s anticipated profit? 

Also, it puts pressure on the merchandisers, who’ll need to convert indeed more with smaller connections at their disposal. However, other problems will come up, If the thing is far above what’s possible to achieve. 

The first is your crew’s demotivation as they realize they’re far from achieving the proposed pretensions, which can backfire in a sharp drop in performance. 

At the same time, it’ll create inaccurate evaluations of the professionals ’ performance and strategy, creating a picture that isn’t realistic. 

Helps To Grow Fast Than Your Competitor

According to a check, robotization provides two times further profitable leads than conventional deals. Calculating Lead generation is thus a veritably effective way for helping you assess the state of the assiduity and staying one step ahead of the competition. 

Increase in Profit and Deals rate

Did you know that further than 55 marketers devote 50 of their spending to lead generation? 

That is because adding deals on your goods or services is one of the most significant advantages of enforcing supereminent generation. 

Target the right person!

Through the right computation of supereminent generation pretensions, you can target your ideal guests grounded on their demographics and terrain. This assists you in relating implicit deals requests and cult. 

Indeed before addressing leads, the deals platoon might do some thorough exploration of them. Chancing pious guests is profitable for your business. 

Chancing high-quality leads and adding transformations are both possible with effective lead-generation software like HubSpot and Salesforce etc. As a result, the number of guests and deals increased.

5 Steps to Calculate Lead Generation Goals for a B2B SaaS Companies 

The key to changing the ideal thing for your platoon is to start the work from the end. 

Find out how important profit your company needs to induce — or what part of it’s your platoon’s responsibility — and make some simple computations to get to the beginning of the necessary lead generation thing. 

Step 1:Find out what the anticipated profit is.

The first step is to hear other professionals ’ opinions to define how numerous leads should be generated. 

So, talk to the directors and the deals platoon to determine their objectives and pretensions about the anticipated profit. It’s also important to know how important profit should come from Inbound Marketing. 

For illustration, your company needs to induceUS$,00 of profit, and 80 of this aggregate should come from the Inbound strategy. 


100.000 x0.8 = US$80.000 of profit generated through Inbound Marketing. 

Step 2: Find out how numerous guests are needed to achieve this thing.

Next, you need to estimate how numerous guests will be necessary to reach this thing. To do this, you’ll need to divide the number set up in the first step by the average ticket of your product or the average profit generated by each client. 

Following our illustration, let’s suppose that each customer spends, on average, US$16.000 on contracts with your company.


80.000/US$16.000 on average ticket = 5 guests 

This means that your deals platoon will need to close roughly 5 deals to reach the thing set up by the Inbound strategy. 

Step 3: Find out how numerous leads it’ll take to subscribe to these numerous contracts.

Now, you’ll need one further piece of information on your lead conversion rate. That is, of the last leads generated by your platoon, how numerous came guests? If you don’t have enough data to calculate that number, you can set an “ optimal rate ”. 

Still, flashback to keep your bases on the ground! Projecting that you’ll convert 50 of your leads into guests, for illustration, is largely unrealistic. 

Go for commodities around 2 or 3, especially if you still don’t have enough data to go from. To make it clearer, let’s say you convert 2 of your leads into guests. The equation looks like this 

 5 guests/0.02 conversion rate = 250 leads 

That’s it! You have reached the number of leads you need to induce. But take your time, we haven’t reached the end of this equation yet. 

Step 4: Acclimate your thing, so it reflects the progress made in the former months.

Of course, you’ll only do this if you have been generating leads for a longer period. 

You can project an anticipated growth rate until you have enough data to use as a base for the computations If that isn’t your case. 

This step is veritably important to keep you focused and with your head in the right place. It’s no use allowing that because you’ve generated 15 leads in one month, you’ll induce ten times as numerous in the coming. That isn’t going to be. You should be sensible and willing to acclimatize to other criteria. 

A well-structured Content Marketing strategy will induce thousands of leads every month, but it’ll need some time to catch traction and reach its eventuality. Organic ranking with effective SEO work, for illustration, won’t increase business on your runners overnight. 

Flash back the growth needs to be sustainable. 

Step 5: Keep track of the results( and produce graphs for better data visualization).

As with everything in your content strategy, you should follow the results nearly. 

This way, you’ll be suitable to identify the conduct that has stylish results and should be replicated, as well as change those that haven’t been so successful or need to be bettered. 

4 lead generation KPIs important for your B2B  SaaS business

         1. Lead Generation via Live Chat

Live chat is an ideal channel for boosting lead generation results since it’s the fastest and simplest way to start a one-on-one discussion with a lead. Live chat for lead generation helps businesses to communicate directly with their prospects in real-time by converting your website into a lead generation machine to capture further leads and drive deals. 

Live chat helps in improving customer success team dynamics. Customer success and excellent customer service are ensured by the customer success team dynamic. You’ll enjoy great perks including decreased churn, reduced client acquisition costs, and thus more potential for upselling and expansion with a strong customer success team dynamic.

          2. Automate Leads with Chatbots

Before making a purchasing decision, generally, guests ask the same types of questions regarding what they’re buying. Answering similar repetitious questions will take up a lot of time. A better result would be to emplace a chatbot on your website to answer common questions your salesmen get regularly. 

Chatbots like WhatsApp chatbots for supereminent generation help marketers to connect and engage with their prospects 24 × 7 indeed when the deals platoon is busy or not available. The bot also helps guests to take the action they want. A quick response also makes the customer feel that making contact with your company is easy and simple. Indeed, it is one of the great ways that you can establish trust with your prospects.

          3. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Cost per accession( CPA) is the crucial fiscal standard for determining your profit generation sweats and return on investment( ROI). The client accession KPI matters for the reasons:

  • Determining which channels to invest further plutocrat in
  •  Judging the effectiveness over time of the marketing budget

         4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Client continuance value( CLTV) is one of the important lead criteria you can measure as a marketer. 

CLTV is used to project the profit that a single client will induce throughout their continuance for your business. 

It can be told from numerous angles of your marketing, client service, upselling, and client service operations. 

 For calculating the client continuance value the rudiments taken into account are:

  •  Average purchase size of each client
  •  Number of purchases a client makes in a time, and
  •  Average profit perimeters to determine a monthly profit periphery normal per client

          5. Email Marketing Performance

Dispatch marketing strategy is a pivotal aspect of every business. Each dispatch marketing crusade can be different, especially if you have different pretensions for different juggernauts(e.g., generating leads and growing a subscriber base). 

Still, there is some introductory lead analytics that telegraph marketers should track. 

  • Open rate – It’s vital to understanding how well your subscribers are entering your dispatches. The open rate tracks how numerous subscribers opened the dispatch you transferred. 
  • Conversion rate – This KPI’ll assess how numerous people clicked on the link and also completed a specific action. 
  • List growth rate – It tracks the rate at which your list is growing. It’s calculated by abating the total number of new subscribers from the number of unsubscribes, also dividing the total number of dispatch addresses on your list, and also multiplying it by 100. 
  • Encouraging rate – It measures the chance of donors who either participated in your post via social media or encouraged it to a friend. It tells you what chance subscribers are recommending your emails to others. 

What did you make out?

I know that it’s bombard of steps and knowledge! But it is essential to be clear and not just predict mindlessly. This lead generation formula helps you to get a statistically true and easy way to magnetize your leads. Lead generation goals are the first step to be taken into account and calculation is precise in the SaaS industry. KPIs are playing a leading role in understanding the basic framework and minute elements that help to grow by 1000%.