
People nowadays are getting more understanding towards disabilities! If someone is in a wheelchair, you can instantly presume they can’t work, as it’s visible. However, certain disabilities are invisible and can’t appear immediately. These conditions involve mental health disorders, chronic pain, cognitive impairments, and many more! They can have a lasting impact on an individual’s everyday life and ability to work. 

So, when it comes to applying for social disability benefits (SSDI), people often wonder if invisible disability can qualify. It makes it more challenging to prove an invisible disability in order to obtain Social Security benefits. Nevertheless, the Social Security Administration (SSA) still requires the proof! Let’s learn about the vital factors concerning SSDI in this handy blog!

Understanding Invisible Disability

Medical conditions triggering invisible signs that aren’t apparent instantly, like chronic pain or mental health disorders, and impede a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks effectively can be referred to as invisible disability. Conditions supported by SSA Blue Book to qualify for Social Security benefits include:

  • Lung disease
  • Brain trauma
  • Bipolar disorder
  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Some cancers
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • And more! 

Besides, other invisible disabilities entail learning disabilities and auditory or visual impairments, making it harder for individuals to carry out simple tasks and restricting mobility. Hence, if you’re applying for disability benefits, it’s best to work with an experienced Social Security lawyer in Sacramento to help you build a strong case and get qualified for SSDI benefits.

Challenges in Obtaining Social Security for Invisible Disabilities

  • Insufficient Visible Evidence

Physical disabilities are straightforward to prove as they may have visible symptoms. On the contrary, invisible disabilities can be hard to demonstrate with tangible evidence. Lack of proof can lead to doubt and confusion during the Social Security application process. 

  • Subjectivity of Symptoms

Signs of invisible disabilities like chronic pain, cognitive functioning, or emotional well-being can vary greatly and are subjective. Consequently, it makes it challenging to determine the extent and impact of disability on a person’s capacity to work. 

  • Stigma and Misconceptions

Since invisible impairments are hard to prove, there’s stigma and misunderstandings surrounding these conditions. It further provokes people to question their authenticity or accuse individuals that they might be faking their disability. This societal viewpoint may impact how disability claims are considered. Thus, consulting a reliable disability lawyer in Sacramento can help you qualify for the application while handling all the documentation.

Steps to Navigate the Social Security Application Process

  • Document Your Disability

First and foremost, keep detailed records of medical diagnoses, treatments, medications, and their effects on your daily life and work capacity! It provides reliable proof of your condition. 

  • Seek Medical Support

Visit healthcare professionals regularly to evaluate and document your disability. Seek assistance from psychiatrists or pain management specialists to get valuable medical advice.

  • Consult a Social Security Lawyer

Consider working with an SSI lawyer in Sacramento specializing in disability claims. They can provide legal guidance, help gather necessary evidence, and represent you during hearings or appeals. 

  • Be Transparent and Persistent

Converse your disability-related limitations and challenges clearly to Social Security officials. Be persistent in pursuing your claim and appealing any denials with the assistance of your lawyer.

Final Thoughts

While obtaining Social Security benefits for an invisible disability might be difficult, it isn’t impossible. Understanding the unique aspects of invisible disabilities, thoroughly documenting your condition, seeking medical support, and enlisting legal assistance when required can help you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.