Are you thinking about joining the gig economy as a rideshare driver? Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash on weekends or considering it as a full-time gig, one crucial decision you’ll face is what vehicle to use. Many drivers are now turning to car rentals, and for good reason. Let’s explore why renting a car for rideshare services like Uber or Lyft might be your smartest move.

Preserve Your Personal Vehicle Rideshare driving puts significant wear and tear on your car. Between frequent stops, long hours on the road, and navigating through city traffic, your personal vehicle can age rapidly. By renting a car, you keep those extra miles, door slams, and potential damages off your own ride, preserving its value and longevity.

No Maintenance Headaches Regular oil changes, tire rotations, brake pad replacements—these costs add up quickly when you’re driving full-time. With a rental, most maintenance issues are covered by the rental company. If something goes wrong, it’s their problem, not yours. This saves you both time and money, allowing you to focus on what matters: driving and earning.

Access to Fuel-Efficient Models Fuel is one of your biggest expenses as a rideshare driver. Many rental companies offer hybrid or electric vehicles that can dramatically cut your fuel costs. A Toyota Prius or Nissan Leaf, for example, can help you pocket more of your earnings instead of spending them at the pump.

Flexibility in Vehicle Choice Different events call for different rides. A compact car works for daily commuters, but what about when there’s a big game in town, and passengers need more space? Renting gives you the flexibility to choose the right vehicle for the right occasion, potentially boosting your ratings and tips.

Meet Rideshare Requirements Easily Both Uber and Lyft have vehicle requirements that can be tough to meet. They prefer newer models (usually no older than 10-15 years) in good condition. If your personal car doesn’t qualify, renting is an easy solution. Rental fleets are typically updated regularly, ensuring you have a car that meets all the criteria.

Tax Benefits When you rent a car for business purposes—which rideshare driving is—you can often deduct the rental cost on your taxes. Always consult with a tax professional, but this could lead to significant savings come tax season.

Try Before You Buy Thinking about buying a new car for rideshare? Renting first lets you test-drive different models in real-world conditions. You might find that the SUV you loved on the dealership lot isn’t so great for city driving, or that a sedan you overlooked is perfect for your needs.

No Long-Term Commitment Life happens. Maybe you land a new job, decide to go back to school, or simply find that rideshare driving isn’t for you. With a rental, you’re not stuck with car payments for years. Just return the vehicle and move on, no strings attached.

Insurance Peace of Mind Insurance can be a gray area for rideshare drivers. Many personal auto policies won’t cover you when you’re driving for Uber or Lyft. Rental companies often provide comprehensive insurance that covers rideshare activities, giving you one less thing to worry about.

Start Immediately Got approved by Uber or Lyft and want to start earning right away? With a rental, you can. No waiting for your personal car to get inspected or for repairs to be completed. Just pick up your rental and hit the road.

Renting a car for rideshare isn’t the right choice for everyone. If you already own a suitable, fuel-efficient vehicle and are only driving part-time, using your own car might make more sense. But for many, especially those diving into full-time rideshare work, renting offers flexibility, cost savings, and peace of mind that’s hard to beat.