“There are more and more ‘little round tortoise shell glasses‘ and the age is getting younger.” In the clinic of Lu Xinyin, director of optometry and pediatric ophthalmology Department of Lishui Aier Eye Hospital, most of them are myopic middle and primary school students, and there are even many children aged 3-6 years old. The main medical needs include basic eye examination, medical optometry and myopia prevention and control. The end of the busy winter vacation, Lu Xinyin director has not had time to take a breath from the intense work, and began to enter the campus to students and parents do eye health science.


March 2024 is the 8th National Myopia Prevention and Control publicity and Education Month in China. As the municipal expert of Jiangsu Province Children and adolescents myopia prevention and control publicity group, Lu Xinyin led the medical care team of Lishui Aier Eye Hospital to 6 schools in Lishui District, to carry out campus science lectures, guide parents and students to cultivate good habits of eye love and eye protection, create a good atmosphere of common attention to eye health, and care for children’s bright future.


“This isn’t vacation for you!” Lu Xinyin director showed the holiday students may have a variety of bad eye habits, so that the students have a deep sense of substitution, suddenly attracted attention, caused attention to eye health. From animal eyes to human eyes, Director Lu from a professional point of view, profound and simple, and emotional to the students in detail to popularize the structure of the eye, the function of myopia, the principle and harm. Director Lu pointed out that non-standard eye posture, lack of adequate outdoor activities in the sun, long-term contact with electronic products, too much sugar intake are easy to lead to myopia in children.


How to let children take care of learning at the same time vision does not regress? Director Lu suggested that you can start from the following four aspects: First, in the learning process to correct sitting posture: eyes away from the book one foot, hand away from the pen tip one inch, chest away from the table edge of a punch. Secondly, ensure outdoor activities under the sun for more than 2 hours a day to minimize continuous long-term close eye use. In order to facilitate memory, Director Lu popularized the “20-20-20” mantra: After 20 minutes of close eye contact, you need to look up 20 feet (6 meters) away, and the time should be more than 20 seconds, relax and rest your eyes. Thirdly, reasonable use of electronic products: non-learning electronic products should not be used for more than 15 minutes a time, and the cumulative daily use should not exceed 1 hour, and the use distance should be increased as far as possible. Finally, maintain a regular, healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, not be picky, and eat less sweets.


According to statistics, in recent years, the age of myopia occurrence in children and adolescents has been advanced to 6-9 years old, and the younger age of onset is accompanied by the high-grade myopia. Prevention and control of myopia is more important than control. In this year’s National Two Sessions, in response to the high incidence of myopia, the National People’s Congress representatives put forward proposals for the whole-life cycle management of myopia prevention and control. Director Lu agreed, and reminded parents, “Children at the age of 3 should start a comprehensive eye examination, establish a diopter development file, and then conduct a follow-up every three months to six months to assess whether the storage of farsightedness is sufficient, and find myopia children as early as possible, so as to achieve accurate myopia prevention and control.” You can also screen your child for hyperopia, astigmatism, oblique amblyopia or other eye conditions.”


“If the child has myopia symptoms, can not blindly get glasses, need to be in the eye hospital after a professional examination, and then targeted correction.” Director Lu introduced that there are many ways to control myopia in clinical practice, such as orthokeratology (also known as OK mirror), which can delay the progression of myopia by 35%-80%, which is currently recognized as one of the best ways to prevent and control myopia; Peripheral multi-point defocus glasses are more suitable for myopic children who are unable or unwilling to wear orthokeratology glasses; The above methods combined with low concentration atropine can further strengthen the control effect.


As the world’s leading ophthalmology hospital under Aier Eye Hospital Group, Lishui Aier Eye Hospital integrates medical treatment, teaching and blindness prevention and treatment. Based on Aier’s “5P myopia prevention and control model”, Aier Eye Hospital has carefully formulated a one-stop personalized diagnosis and treatment plan of “prevention and file building + scientific prediction + control and intervention + popular science education” for children and adolescents. Multi-dimensional, all-round protection of children’s vision. The “ophthalmology + optometry” mode implemented by the hospital will be triaged to different ophthalmic specialist clinics according to the specific conditions of patients for accurate and effective diagnosis and treatment.


Since Director Lu became the municipal expert of Jiangsu Provincial Myopia Prevention and Control publicity group, he always leads the medical team of Lishui Aier Eye Hospital to go deep into schools, communities and units, actively participate in public welfare activities such as science popularization lectures and vision screening, and assume the social responsibility of science popularization and education. “Looking down from the podium, there were pieces of ‘little glasses.'” Director Lu often saw this scene, will sigh that myopia prevention and control is still a long way to go. “The myopia rate of Chinese teenagers ranks first in the world! Primary and junior high school stage is the golden period of myopia prevention and control. We hope to popularize the knowledge of eye love and eye care to the public in the form of education and fun, gather the strength of families, schools and society, and work together to build a ‘protective wall’ of myopia and protect children’s bright future.” Lu Xinyin director said.