Plastic Surgeon in Las Vegas

When choosing a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas, NV, you want someone who combines exceptional skill, vast experience, and a genuine commitment to patient care. Dr. John Minoli embodies these qualities and more. As a triple board-certified plastic surgeon with over 25 years of expertise, Dr. Minoli has become a leading name in plastic and reconstructive surgery. He is renowned for his personalized approach, artistry, and dedication to achieving natural-looking results.

Meet Dr. John Minoli

Dr. John Minoli is not just a plastic surgeon; he is an artist dedicated to the craft of surgical enhancements. His journey into plastic surgery began with a profound desire to help individuals feel confident and whole. With training and experience spanning across the United States, Dr. Minoli has honed his skills under the mentorship of some of the top facelift surgeons in the world. His commitment to continuous learning ensures he stays at the forefront of surgical techniques and innovations, delivering the best possible patient outcomes.

Dr. Minoli’s philosophy is deeply rooted in compassionate care. He understands that every patient is unique, with their own story and reasons for seeking plastic surgery. This understanding drives him to treat each patient with the utmost respect and personalized attention. Dr. Minoli’s patients are not just clients; they are part of a family, receiving care that is as compassionate as it is professional.

Comprehensive Surgical Expertise

Facial Surgery

The face is often the most defining feature of our identity, and even minor concerns can significantly impact one’s confidence. Dr. Minoli specializes in facial surgeries to enhance, rejuvenate, and restore facial harmony.

Rhinoplasty: Nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, is a complex procedure requiring high precision and expertise. Dr. Minoli excels in primary and revision rhinoplasty, addressing everything from aesthetic concerns to functional issues. His meticulous approach ensures that each rhinoplasty is tailored to the patient’s unique facial structure and goals.

Facelift: Aging gracefully is possible with Dr. Minoli’s advanced facelift techniques. By focusing on subtle and natural-looking results, he helps patients achieve a more youthful appearance without looking “overdone.” Dr. Minoli’s facelifts address sagging skin, deep creases, and loss of facial volume, creating a refreshed and rejuvenated look.

Eyelid Surgery & Forehead Lift: Dr. Minoli offers eyelid surgery and forehead lifts for those looking to brighten their eyes and lift their brows. These procedures can significantly reduce the signs of aging, such as drooping eyelids and forehead wrinkles, resulting in a more alert and youthful appearance.

Body Contouring

Dr. Minoli’s expertise extends beyond the face to include comprehensive body contouring procedures. Whether you want to enhance your physique or restore your pre-pregnancy body, Dr. Minoli provides tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Liposuction: This procedure targets stubborn fat deposits, sculpting and reshaping specific body areas to help patients achieve a more contoured and proportionate figure. Dr. Minoli’s precise techniques ensure minimal downtime and optimal results.

Tummy Tuck: A tummy tuck can be transformative for individuals seeking a firmer and flatter abdomen. This procedure removes excess skin and fat while tightening abdominal muscles, resulting in a smoother and more toned midsection. Dr. Minoli’s meticulous approach ensures that scars are minimal and well-concealed.

BodyTite: Utilizing advanced radiofrequency technology, BodyTite offers a minimally invasive option for body contouring. This procedure tightens skin and reduces fat simultaneously, providing impressive results with less downtime than traditional surgery.

Breast Enhancements

Breast surgery is another area where Dr. Minoli excels, offering procedures that enhance or restore the breast’s natural beauty.

Breast Augmentation: Whether you desire more volume, improved shape, or better symmetry, breast augmentation can help you achieve your goals. Dr. Minoli works closely with patients to choose the right type and size of implants, ensuring results that complement their bodies and look natural.

Breast Lift / Breast Reduction: For women experiencing sagging or disproportionate breasts, a breast lift or reduction can provide significant relief. These procedures not only improve the appearance of the breasts but also alleviate physical discomfort and boost self-confidence.

Non-Surgical Options

For those seeking cosmetic enhancements without surgery, Dr. Minoli offers a variety of non-surgical treatments that deliver remarkable results with minimal recovery time.

Neuromodulators: Botox and other neuromodulators effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These treatments relax facial muscles, smoothing out dynamic wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming.

Dermal Fillers: Restore lost volume and enhance facial contours with dermal fillers. Whether plumping lips, lifting cheeks, or softening lines, fillers provide a quick and effective solution for a youthful look.

Collagen Stimulants: Treatments like Sculptra boost your skin’s natural collagen production. These stimulants improve skin texture and firmness over time, offering long-lasting rejuvenation.

Chemical Peels: Chemical peels reveal smoother, brighter skin. These treatments exfoliate the outer layers of skin, addressing issues like pigmentation, acne scars, and uneven texture.

Fat Injections: Also known as fat transfer, this procedure uses your body’s fat to enhance areas such as the face, hands, or buttocks. Fat injections provide natural-looking and lasting results.

Office-Based Mini Surgery: For minor enhancements that don’t require full surgical facilities, Dr. Minoli offers office-based mini-surgeries. These convenient procedures are performed in a comfortable setting with minimal downtime.

Patient-Centered Care

At Dr. Minoli’s practice, patient care is the cornerstone of every procedure. The team is dedicated to making patients feel valued and supported throughout their surgical journey. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, Dr. Minoli and his staff provide thorough education and compassionate guidance.

Dr. Minoli’s approach is holistic. He considers not just the physical aspects of surgery but also the emotional and psychological well-being of his patients. This patient-focused philosophy creates an environment where individuals feel comfortable and confident in their decision to undergo plastic surgery.


Choosing a plastic surgeon is a significant decision, and Dr. John Minoli stands out as a trusted expert in Las Vegas, NV. His combination of technical expertise, artistic vision, and compassionate care ensures that each patient receives the best possible outcome. Whether you’re interested in facial rejuvenation, body contouring, or non-surgical enhancements, Dr. Minoli is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with beautiful and natural results.

If you’re considering plastic surgery, take the first step toward your transformation by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Minoli. Discover how his personalized approach and dedication to excellence can help you look and feel your best.

For more information, visit Dr. John Minoli’s website.