Genetic mutations are responsible for heart disease and can be transferred from generation to generation.. Heart diseases can be life-threatening and can affect people at any age. These heart disorders can manifest as different conditions, like myocardial infarction, angina, hypertension, etc. A single mutation in a gene can lead to multiple heart diseases. It can also cause similar genetic mutations in different genes. Cardiac genetic testing helps you predict these diseases early and allows doctors to prepare a treatment plan in case of detection.  

What is the Need for Cardiac Genetic Testing?

Cardiovascular diseases are expected to cause 23 million deaths every year by 2030. Moreover, the Framingham Heart Study showed that for every ten years with diabetes, the 10-year risk of dying from CHD (Congestive Heart Disease) could increase by 86% or more.

Many people do not realize that their genes could affect their heart health. The genes influence your likelihood of developing heart disease in your life. But you can prevent getting the disease by knowing the risk beforehand. Advanced genetic testing for heart diseases, such as the Cardiomet Test, can help you with this aim.

Genetic testing for heart diseases examines specific genetic markers in your DNA to determine if you are at risk and your odds of getting a heart disease.

Why Should One Go for Cardiac Genetic Testing?

Inherited heart conditions (IHCs) tend to run in families. If a person has a family history of heart disease, they may be at a higher risk of getting one.

One should go for cardiac genetic testing in the following cases:

  • When a person is genetically exposed to the risk of heart diseases
  • An immediate family member has been diagnosed with an IHC, and the doctor wants to confirm if other members have the same tendency.
  • If someone has one heart condition like high BP and is at risk of other conditions like diabetes
  • If someone is living a sedentary or stressful life

Some people with inherited heart conditions have no signs or symptoms. Genetic testing can help doctors assess whether one should be monitored or start treatment.

What to Expect from the Cardiac Genetic Testing?

Cardiac Genetic Testing is the best test to predict any possible heart disease. Different kinds of heart risks are covered in this test. These are:

  1. Cardiovascular Risk Analysis – The common Heart diseases that are covered in Cardiomet DNA Tests are:
    1. Atrial Fibrillation
    2. CAD (Coronary Artery Disease)
    3. Type III Hyperlipoproteinemia
    4. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
    5. Peripheral Arterial Disease
    6. QT Intervals
  2. Hypertension – Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is one of the most common heart diseases. With the help of cardiac genetic testing, this can be easily predicted at an early age.
  3. Heart Medications Response – Sometimes, certain medicines do not work for a person. In that scenario, a genetic test helps to predict which type of medicine will best suit one person. 
  4. Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors – These include factors like
    1. Insulin Resistance
    2. Insulin secretion
    3. Glucose metabolism
    4. Rate of hepatic (liver) glucose production 
  5. Genetic Lipid Profile – This test helps predict the chance of heart disease and helps make any necessary lifestyle changes. The following risks are covered in this test:
    1. Imbalance in serum cholesterol
    2. Low levels of Good Cholesterol 
    3. Increased Bad Cholesterol 
    4. High levels of fats (triglycerides) in the blood
    5. Increased Fasting Serum Triglyceride levels 
  6. Venous Thrombosis – The Formation of clots due to fatty substances in veins is called Venous Thrombosis. A genetic test for heart disease risk helps detect factors related to the possibility of clot formation in the veins.

Which is the Best Company for Cardiac Genetic Testing in India?

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is among the leading companies that provide accurate, reliable, and accredited DNA tests. They offer the best services at reasonable prices, including Cardiac Genetic Testing. Moreover, they have more than 400+ sample collection centers in India, which makes them easily accessible.