Little mice may be adorable in cartoons, but when they come to your house, they begin to be disturbing. They do not only feed on your delicacies, but they also exhibit health risk and can inflict damage on your property. So what makes you understand that mice exterminator is the person you should call or it could be resolved by yourself at home? Or shall I look for the rats in your house? All the answers are to know how the pet is behaving and what are the signals that guide you to finding what is happening.

Here are some key signs of mouse problems:

  1. Multiple Sightings: If you see a mouse here and there during a number of time period, or if you see your pets catching mice more often, that might mean that there is a bigger infestation somewhere nearby.

  2. Mouse Droppings: Be alert and look out for small, pebble-like droppings. The fresh wastage will be darker while the older ones will gradually turn gray. The droppings not only unsightly but carry health risks and if you find them in places like your kitchen you are exposed to these risks.

  3. Unpleasant Odour: Mouse pee and poop carry with them strong, exceptionally stinky aroma that can become a nuisance if there is a nest nearby. If you should detect an unpleasant aroma, then it might be time to get involved in the matter.

  4. Gnaw Marks: Mouse sharpen their incisors on almost anything they can get their hands on. From drywall to old cardboard boxes, if you find gnaw marks on different surfaces within your home, it might be the sign of a mouse infestation.

  5. Evidence of Nests: While searching, watch out for mice nests as mice can build them from newspapers or torn insulations. See if any of these indications appear in places such as closets, attics, basements, crawlspaces or ventilation ducts.

Are mice dangerous to you?

The mice considered to be harmless may pose serious psychological as well as physical health risks. They may host diseases like salmonella, hantavirus, and leptospirosis that can easily spread to humans by getting into their urine, feces, or saliva as the case may be.

Rodent may also manifest by the gnawing of mice on wires, insulation and wood, which may pose a fire hazard or cost you money in the long run.

In addition, mice breed very quickly; consider that a small infestation may take valid proportions before it is stopped if nothing is done about it.

Habits of Mice that Turn into a Big Problem

  • Mice are very skilful garbage men and will find food anywhere and of course make a home in your house. They have a powerful sense of smell, and those that are small can see even one crumb of food or spill.

  • They are known to climb very well and can effectively enter your house in the process of looking for food in any cracks on the foundation or at window and door crevices, as well as chimney and air vents.

  • Upon entry, mice will nest in warm and quiet places like attics, basements, unoccupied spaces or areas where the appliances are located. This allows them to reproduce and populate their way quite fast.

Home Made Suggestions for the Elimination of a Mouse Problem

There are some steps you can take on your own to avoid extreme rat infestation levels which do not allow you to control the bad situation. 

  1. Know their Entry Points: Take a good look at your house to see if there were any areas that serves as an entrance of mice to your home. Block up all the cracks, slides and gaps around doors, windows, valves and vents using materials like steel wool, caulk or expanding foam.
  2. Keep Food Secure: Mice are food motivated. This means that they are attracted to food in particular. Therefore, food should be stored in metal or glass containers with airtight lids. Take care of the countertops and immediately clean up the crumbs and spilled food items that might draw mice.

  3. Set Traps: There are plenty of of mouse traps that can be used such as snap traps, glue traps, and live traps. Put traps at the places where you observed the mouse activity, like near walls or from the entry points. Be sure that you go trap checking regularly as well as humanely disposing of any mice captured.

  4. Use Natural Deterrents: Specifically, certain odours such as peppermint oil, cloves or eucalyptus do repel mice. Dip cotton balls into these oils and place them on areas where mice may come in or on where the mice are seen. Also, it is possible to put mint around the property of your home so that mice stay away.

  5. Keep Your Home Clean: Clutter and clutter equal hiding places for mice so keep your home clean and tidy. Frequently vacuum, sweep, and scrub floors; and clear storage places like the basement, attic, and garage where mice could be hiding.

  6. Use Ultrasonic Repellents: Ultrasonic machines emit the sound waves of a very high frequency that are annoying for mice and they can force the mice off. Place these gadgets at the locations where mice have been seen, however, remember that their outcome can differ greatly.

  7. Seal Trash Bins: Sew a lid that fits tightly on your trash bins so that mice cannot get into food scraps. If you can, put the bins far from your house’s exterior, preferably in a place where mice will be less likely to hang out.

  8. Trim Vegetation: Remove the shrubs, bushes, and trees that are close to your house exterior to get rid of little hiding places for mice as well as access to it.

When should we seek mice exterminator services?

When self-made methods are no more effective in a persistent mouse problem, it’s high time to get a professional exterminator. Also, if you have a problem with a large scale infestation, health issues connected to mouse droppings or urine, or notice significant damage inside your house, you need to call professionals. Pest control providers are specialists who have not only the required skills but also the tools to adequately remove mice from your home and impede further inundations.