(USACC) and the National US Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) involves various activities and services to support businesses engaged in US-Arab trade. While the specific processes may vary, here is a general overview of how these organizations typically operate:


Both USACC and NUSACC offer membership opportunities for businesses and individuals interested in US-Arab trade. The process usually involves submitting an application, providing relevant information about the company or individual, and paying the required membership fees. Once approved, members gain access to the services and resources offered by the chambers.

Networking and Business Matchmaking: Both chambers organize networking events, conferences, and trade shows to facilitate connections between businesses. They provide platforms for members to meet potential partners, distributors, suppliers, and customers in both the US and Arab markets. Business matchmaking services may also be offered to help members find suitable opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Trade Services:

Both chambers provide trade services to assist businesses in navigating the complexities of international trade. This may include services such as certification of commercial documents, authentication of export documents, guidance on trade regulations and procedures, and assistance with trade-related matters.

Market Intelligence and Research:

Both chambers offer market intelligence and research reports on various industries and sectors in the US and Arab countries. This information helps businesses make informed decisions, identify market trends, opportunities, and challenges. Members can access these reports and stay updated on the latest market developments.

Advocacy and Representation:

Both chambers advocate for the interests of their members and represent their concerns to government officials and policymakers in both the US and Arab countries. They work to shape policies and regulations that promote and facilitate trade and investment between the two regions. This may involve participating in policy discussions, lobbying efforts, and engaging with relevant stakeholders.

Events and Programs:

Both chambers organize events, seminars, workshops, and educational programs to provide members with opportunities for learning, skill development, and knowledge sharing. These events may cover various topics related to US-Arab trade, including market entry strategies, cultural understanding, legal and regulatory frameworks, and industry-specific insights.


It’s important to note that the specific processes and services offered by National US Arab Chamber of Commerce and  US Arab Chamber of Commerce may vary. It’s recommended to visit their official websites or contact them directly for detailed information on their specific processes and how they can support businesses engaged in US-Arab trade.

The National US Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) works to promote and strengthen economic and commercial relations between the United States and the Arab world. While the specific processes may vary, here is a general overview of how NUSACC typically operates:


NUSACC offers membership opportunities for businesses and individuals interested in US-Arab trade. The process usually involves submitting an application, providing relevant information about the company or individual, and paying the required membership fees. Once approved, members gain access to the services and resources offered by NUSACC.

Networking and Business Matchmaking:

National US Arab Chamber of Commerce organizes networking events, conferences, and trade shows to facilitate connections between businesses. These events provide opportunities for members to meet potential partners, distributors, suppliers, and customers in both the US and Arab markets. NUSACC may also offer business matchmaking services to help members find suitable opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Trade Services:

NUSACC provides trade services to assist businesses in navigating the complexities of international trade. This may include services such as certification of commercial documents, authentication of export documents, and guidance on trade regulations and procedures. NUSACC aims to streamline the trade process and ensure compliance with regulations.

Advocacy and Representation:

NUSACC advocates for the interests of its members and represents their concerns to government officials and policymakers in both the United States and Arab countries. They work to shape policies and regulations that promote and facilitate trade and investment between the two regions. NUSACC may participate in policy discussions, engage in lobbying efforts, and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to advocate for favorable business conditions.

Market Intelligence and Research:

NUSACC provides market intelligence and research reports on various industries and sectors in the US and Arab countries. This information helps businesses make informed decisions, identify market trends, opportunities, and challenges. Members can access these reports and stay updated on the latest market developments.
