In the fast-paced business landscape of today, finding the right venue for your meetings and events can be a game-changer. Cliftons, a renowned leader in providing top-notch event spaces, offers a diverse range of solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for mediation room hire in Sydney, meeting rooms in Brisbane, or computer rooms in Melbourne, Cliftons has you covered.

Mediation Room Hire in Sydney:

Cliftons stands out as the go-to destination for mediation room hire Sydney. Understanding the sensitive nature of mediation processes, Cliftons provides impeccably designed, private, and comfortable spaces conducive to constructive dialogue and resolution. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to client satisfaction, Cliftons ensures that your mediation sessions are conducted in an atmosphere that promotes open communication and resolution.

The mediation rooms at Cliftons Sydney are equipped with cutting-edge audiovisual technology, ensuring that your presentations and discussions run seamlessly. From spacious layouts to comfortable seating arrangements, every detail is meticulously designed to enhance the effectiveness of your mediation sessions.

Meeting Rooms in Brisbane:

For those seeking meeting rooms Brisbane, Cliftons offers a diverse array of options to suit various business requirements. Whether you’re organizing a corporate meeting, training session, or a client presentation, Cliftons provides professional and well-equipped meeting spaces that leave a lasting impression.

The meeting rooms in Brisbane are designed to foster collaboration and productivity. High-speed internet, modern audiovisual equipment, and professional on-site support are just a few of the features that set Cliftons apart. With flexible room configurations and catering options, Cliftons ensures that your meetings in Brisbane are not only successful but also stress-free.

Computer Room Melbourne:

In the ever-evolving world of technology, having a reliable and well-equipped computer room is crucial for businesses. Cliftons takes pride in offering top-tier computer rooms in Melbourne, catering to the needs of organizations that require a secure and high-performance environment for their IT infrastructure.

The computer rooms at Cliftons Melbourne are designed to meet the highest industry standards. From robust security measures to redundant power and cooling systems, Cliftons provides an ideal setting for data centers, server rooms, and IT training sessions. The dedicated support team at Cliftons is available to assist with any technical requirements, ensuring a seamless experience for your team.

Why Choose Cliftons?

Flexibility: Cliftons understands that every event is unique, and flexibility is key. Whether you need a small meeting room or a large conference space, Cliftons can accommodate your requirements.

State-of-the-Art Technology: From advanced audiovisual equipment to high-speed internet, Cliftons invests in cutting-edge technology to enhance your event experience.

Professional Support: The experienced and friendly on-site support team at Cliftons is always ready to assist, ensuring that your events run smoothly.

Central Locations: With prime locations in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne, Cliftons provides convenient access for your attendees, making it easy for everyone to reach your event.


Cliftons is more than just a venue provider; it’s a partner in your success. Whether you need mediation room hire in Sydney, meeting rooms in Brisbane, or computer rooms in Melbourne, Cliftons delivers excellence at every step. Elevate your meetings and events with Cliftons, where innovation meets professionalism.