Lung cancer is a challenging diagnosis, but advancements in treatment offer hope and improved outcomes. Surgery is a common approach for many patients, aiming to remove the cancerous tissue from the lungs. Understanding the types of lung cancer surgery and the recovery process can help patients and their families navigate this journey with more confidence and clarity.

Types of Lung Cancer Surgery

  1. Wedge Resection: This surgery involves removing a small, wedge-shaped piece of the lung where the tumor is located. It is suitable for early-stage lung cancer or for patients who are unable to undergo more extensive surgery.
  2. Segmentectomy: Similar to wedge resection, segmentectomy involves removing a larger portion of the lung, but not an entire lobe. This surgery is also used for early-stage cancer or for patients with limited lung function.
  3. Lobectomy: A lobectomy is the removal of an entire lobe of the lung. This is the most common type of surgery for lung cancer and is often used for larger tumors or when cancer has spread to a specific lobe.
  4. Pneumonectomy: In cases where the cancer has spread extensively within one lung, a pneumonectomy may be necessary. This surgery involves removing an entire lung.
  5. Sleeve Resection: If the tumor is located near one of the main airways (bronchi), a sleeve resection may be performed. This surgery involves removing a portion of the bronchus and reconnecting the remaining parts.

Recovery from Lung Cancer Surgery

  • Hospital Stay: Patients typically stay in the hospital for a few days to a week after surgery, depending on the type and extent of the procedure.
  • Pain Management: Pain at the incision site is common after surgery. Pain medication and other techniques, such as breathing exercises, can help manage discomfort.
  • Respiratory Therapy: Lung cancer surgery can affect breathing. Respiratory therapists work with patients to improve lung function through exercises and breathing techniques.
  • Physical Activity: Gradual increase in physical activity is encouraged after surgery to improve strength and lung function. However, strenuous activities should be avoided until fully recovered.
  • Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor recovery and detect any signs of recurrence or complications.

Best Lung Cancer Treatment in Chennai

In Chennai, several healthcare facilities offer comprehensive lung cancer treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. It’s important for patients to consult with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their individual needs.


Surgery is a vital component of lung cancer treatment, offering hope for improved outcomes and quality of life. Understanding the types of surgery available and what to expect during recovery can help patients and their families make informed decisions and navigate the journey ahead with confidence.

Gericare offers the best lung cancer treatment in Chennai, providing comprehensive care and support for patients and their families throughout the treatment process.