Few names have garnered as much attention in medical device manufacturing in recent years as Exactech. Known for its hip, knee, and ankle implants, Exactech has found itself at the center of numerous lawsuits alleging that its products caused harm to patients. In Nevada, our law firm, Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas, has witnessed the impacts of these alleged defective products first-hand.

Exactech Lawsuit in Nevada

The Genesis of the Lawsuits

At the core of these lawsuits against Exactech is that the company failed to fulfill its obligation to produce safe and effective medical devices for patients. Numerous individuals across the United States, including many in Nevada, claim to have suffered a diverse range of health complications due to these implants. These complications vary from severe pain to infections and, in some cases, the breakdown of the device itself, necessitating further surgeries and treatments.

The Devices in Question: Hip, Knee, and Ankle Implants

The hip, knee, and ankle replacement devices manufactured by Exactech are central to these lawsuits. Patients allege that these devices, which were supposed to improve their quality of life, have instead led to severe health issues. In some instances, these devices have been recalled due to the potential risks they pose to the health and well-being of patients.

The Repercussions of Exactech Recalls

Exactech has been forced to issue recalls for several medical devices, including knee, hip, and ankle implant models. These recalls were issued out of concerns that the devices could break down prematurely or cause other serious health complications, such as infections. The recalls have led to increased lawsuits from patients seeking compensation for their injuries and losses.

Navigating the Legal Terrain with Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas

At Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas, we comprehend the intricacies of medical device lawsuits. Our dedicated team of seasoned attorneys is committed to assisting our clients in traversing this complex legal terrain. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients understand their rights and are kept abreast of their case’s progress.

The Role of Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas

Our firm has been at the forefront of representing those affected by Exactech’s alleged faulty devices in Nevada. Our experienced attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to handle these cases effectively, ensuring our clients deserve justice. We believe in fighting relentlessly for our clients’ rights, and we are committed to providing them with the best possible legal representation.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Medical Device Lawsuits

As we look to the future, it’s clear that medical device lawsuits like those against Exactech will continue to play a significant role in the legal landscape. As more and more patients come forward with their experiences, the potential for additional lawsuits increases. It’s crucial, therefore, for anyone affected by a potentially faulty medical device to seek legal advice as soon as possible.


The Exactech lawsuits in Nevada serve as a sobering reminder of the potential risks associated with medical devices. As these cases unfold, those affected by these allegedly defective implants must stay informed and understand their rights. If an Exactech implant has impacted you or a loved one, it’s essential to seek legal counsel. An attorney with experience in medical device lawsuits can help you navigate the legal system and explore potential avenues for compensation.

At Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas, we’re here to assist. Our team has the knowledge and expertise to handle Exactech lawsuits, and we’re committed to fighting for the justice our clients deserve. You don’t have to navigate these challenging times alone. Contact us today to discuss your case and take the first step toward seeking the justice you deserve.

Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas
600 S 8th St Suite 140, Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 940-1234