Tech advancements like AI and ML are driving huge transformations across multiple industries. This is why every single one of those industries needs experts like Venkata Ashok Kumar Gorantla.

Ashok has comprehensive expertise spanning AI/ML, low-code/no-code platforms, and cybersecurity, and he exemplifies the kind of visionary leadership that is crucial in navigating the complexities of today’s digital world. He’s adept in blending technical acumen with practical applications in healthcare and telecommunications, which illustrates the depth of his knowledge and his well-known capacity to drive innovation and implement effective solutions.

Interviewer: Ashok, you’ve had an impressive 17-year journey in the tech industry, starting with your education at Georgia Institute of Technology. Could you share some highlights from your career, especially in healthcare and telecommunications?

Ashok: Certainly. My career has been a blend of challenges and achievements, particularly in healthcare and telecommunications. My work with the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) for the State of New Hampshire involved creating solutions for complex healthcare infrastructure. I pursued this because I feel strongly about enhancing public health services through technology.

Interviewer: At Verizon, you lead the development of advanced algorithms. Can you elaborate on your role and the technologies you’re working with?

Ashok: In my role at Verizon, I lead a team in developing cutting-edge algorithms. We work with technologies like Pega Low-Code and No-Code, generative AI, AI/ML, predictive analytics, and adaptive analytics. These are pivotal in enabling 1-1 customer engagement, and they offer customers personalized and relevant experiences, which is crucial in today’s telecom sector.

Interviewer: You’ve also headed the Pega Center of Excellence. What was your focus there, and how did it impact business processes?

Ashok: Leading the Pega Center of Excellence was about modernizing business process management (BPM) platforms. We focused on designing and deploying reusable processes and solutions using Pega BPM to boost customer experiences and to streamline operations.

Ashok Gorantla

Interviewer: Your initiatives in modernizing appeals and grievances and care management systems have been noteworthy. What drove these projects?

Ashok: The goal was to deliver superior platforms for care managers, appeals and grievance nurses, and medical directors to offer timely member care.

Interviewer: You’ve also developed a comprehensive health insurance platform for Bluecross in Canada. Could you tell us more about that?

Ashok: That project involved spearheading the design and construction of a health insurance platform as a service. It included developing a robust payment framework and claim adjudication systems for New Hampshire’s MMIS. It was both a challenge and a privilege to create these efficient healthcare solutions.

Interviewer: And beyond professional achievements, you’ve contributed significantly to the IT community and research. What motivates this aspect of your career?

Ashok: I say often that technology should always be utilized for societal benefits, which is why I strive to contribute to the IT community. I’ve been published in the “Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography” and I authored an IEEE paper. I do this to try to make a meaningful impact, particularly in healthcare.

Interviewer: What are you working on right now?

Ashok: I plan to write books on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and 1-1 customer engagement systems. I’ve also recently been part of judging committees for awards like the Globee Awards and the Stevie International Business Awards for Customer Service, which allows me to contribute to the broader tech community.

Interviewer: As an IEEE Senior Member, what does your role on the Senior Member Review committee entail?

Ashok: My role involves evaluating and elevating applications for IEEE Senior Membership. Our goal is to advance the field of technology and nurture the next generation of tech leaders.

Interviewer: Can you elaborate on your focus for enthusiasts, practitioners, and decision-makers in AI/ML?

Ashok: My focus is on delving into the intricacies of AI/ML, providing insights into the latest advancements, best practices, and real-world applications. This is especially relevant in telecommunications, addressing the integration challenges and opportunities of AI/ML technologies.

Interviewer: How do you see AI/ML transforming healthcare?

Ashok: AI/ML is already revolutionizing patient care. It’s streamlining administrative processes, and it’s also contributing to medical research breakthroughs. My work explores these areas. I work with predictive analytics to assist healthcare professionals with AI-driven insights.

Interviewer: Your work also encompasses the integration of AI/ML and cybersecurity within cloud architectures. Why is this important, and how are you approaching it?

Ashok: Integrating AI/ML with cybersecurity strategies in cloud architectures is crucial for ensuring the security, scalability, and efficiency of cloud-based systems. In this digital era, cloud computing is foundational, and my approach is to ensure these technologies are implemented effectively, safeguarding data and enhancing system performance.

Interviewer: Where do you see your career in the next five years?

Ashok: I’d like to evolve into an entrepreneur. I would create a bespoke IT firm that crafts AI/ML solutions designed to tackle global challenges. My focus will be on developing transformative technologies that advance patient care and address broader human issues.

Interviewer: Can you share some of your notable achievements, especially in terms of revenue savings and product development?

Ashok: One of my significant achievements includes developing intelligent platforms at Verizon that proactively predict customer needs. This led to annual revenue savings of over $10 million in call center operations. This has been a result of bridging business strategy, design knowledge, and customer needs in product development.

Interviewer: Lastly, could you summarize your comprehensive expertise and its impact in the tech industry?

Ashok: Much of my work involves Pega low-code and no-code platforms, AI/ML, intelligent systems, business analysis, solution architecture, Cloud Engineering, and Cybersecurity.

Interviewer: Thank you, Ashok, for sharing your insights and experiences with us. Your contributions to the fields of AI/ML and healthcare technology are truly inspiring.

Venkata Ashok Kumar Gorantla is known for his leadership across various industries, and for his skills which have delivered remarkable results. He’s a key figure in the tech industry, renowned for his fusion of technical mastery, strategic acumen, and a deep-seated commitment to societal advancement. His contributions to healthcare, telecom, and AI/ML have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry, and as tech and business continue to grow together, experts like Ashok will be critical in guiding the responsible and effective use of technological innovations to serve the greater good.