In the rapidly changing world of web development, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is very important for creating strong and scalable applications. 

One trend that is becoming more popular is the use of web components. These components are a new way to build parts of websites that can be reusable, and interoperable elements for the web.

In this article, we will explore why using web components is better than relying on libraries, and why using them is the best choice for modern web development.

What are Web Components? 

Web components are web platform APIs and technologies that allow you to design custom, reusable, and self-contained HTML elements. 

They consist of four components:

Custom Elements: These allow developers to define their own special HTML elements with custom behavior and style.

Shadow DOM (Document Object Model): It provides a way to encapsulate the structure and style of web components, allowing components to have their own isolated DOM subtree and CSS styling.

HTML Templates: continuous testing in devops Templates allow you to define reusable pieces of HTML that can be used later in your document.

HTML Imports (deprecated): HTML imports allow you to define external web components, but now they have mostly been replaced by ES modules.Importance of Web Components in Modern Web Development

Reusability: Web components boost code reusability by encapsulating functionality and appearance into self-contained elements that can easily be reused across various projects.   

Encapsulation: The Shadow DOM ensures that a web component’s internal structure and styles stay isolated from the rest of the document, avoiding unintended interference.

Interoperability: Web components seamlessly integrate with various JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js, and libraries, enhancing their versatility and adaptability.


Faster Load Time: As web components are based on native browser APIs, they are usually lighter than using large external libraries. This means they load faster, which is important in web development today. As there’s more focus on how quickly pages load and perform, using web components can improve the user experience. Moreover, relying less on external libraries can make the files you need to load smaller, leading to quick page rendering and use less internet.

No Framework Lock-In: A common concern with relying on libraries is the risk of getting stuck in a particular framework’s ecosystem. Migrating from one framework to another can be difficult and time-consuming, often needing significant changes to the code. Web development by hashlogics solves this issue by offering a framework-agnostic method. Developers can build components using web rules and easily use them with different frameworks, or even mix multiple frameworks in the same project without problems.

Consistency: Web components ensure a consistent user interface and functionality throughout various parts of a web application. This is particularly useful in extensive projects where maintaining a consistent appearance and functionality is essential.

Security: Using web components can improve the security of web applications. By reducing external dependencies, developers can lower the risks of potential attacks and security weaknesses caused by third-party libraries. Additionally, web components follow the principles of encapsulation, allowing developers to build secure elements that are less prone to code injection and other security risks.

Maintenance: Web components promote clean, modular code, resulting in simpler maintenance and improved developer collaboration.

Web Component Libraries 

Lit: It is a lightweight library for making web components that makes it easier to create and manage components.

Stencil: It is a compiler for making web components and progressive web apps.


Web components mark a big step forward in modern web development. They offer customization, reusability, and faster loading time, providing many benefits over relying on libraries. 

Their flexibility, ability to work with any framework and easy adoption make them a great option for developers who want to create secure and scalable web apps. By using web components, developers not only future-proof their projects but also simplify their workflows and help to create a more efficient and modern web environment.

As web components become more popular, adopting this technology will surely be a smart move for web developers and teams everywhere.