Do you know what an internist is? We are not referring to office “interns,” however. Internists and primary care family doctors are frequently mistaken for one another and good reason. These doctors accomplish similar work, yet there are some key distinctions between their positions. Take these numbers into consideration before we look at the same: 

You should have realized that the US now employs more than 9,304 internists. More than 62.7 percent are female, and 37.3 percent are male. Yet, internists—who are they? And what branch of medicine do they follow? This blog will cover everything from the definition of an internist like Nicholas Torgerson to the situations in which you should consult one. It’s time to begin. 

Who Exactly Is an Internist?

An internist is a doctor who specializes in the care of the body’s internal systems and organs, including the cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary, hepatic, and more. They need to know how all these organs work together and be able to control them. In addition, they ought to be competent in identifying and treating both long-term and acute illnesses. 

Their expertise, however, extends far beyond the internal organs; they are well-versed in a wide range of medical issues. An internist’s educational and training requirements include: 

  • Completion of a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited institution. 
  • The four-year medical school program offers a more practical education. 
  • Must have completed a three-year internal medicine residency at an accredited medical center. 
  • A test to receive the necessary licensure and certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine. 
  • If an internist like Nicholas Torgerson chooses to subspecialize, they might also need a year or two of training in that discipline. 

Furthermore, internists may get a doctorate or a research fellowship to refine their formal research abilities. This is where their familiarity with research methodologies and statistics will come in handy for keeping up with cutting-edge treatments. 

An internist is a good choice for routine checkups, treatment of ear infections or skin rashes, or preventative care. Two distinctions should be noted: They exclusively treat adults and do not operate on children. 

What to Expect When You Visit an Internist?

Visiting an internist like Nicholas Torgerson usually entails the following steps: 

As a first step, they will take a full medical history, monitor your vital signs, and identify any medications you are currently taking. The next step in assessing your health is for them to inquire about any symptoms you may be experiencing right now. 

After that, they will do a physical examination, which will involve things like 

  • Getting a feel for your overall posture. 
  • Pay close attention to your heart rate to detect irregularities, murmurs, or any other abnormal noises. 
  • Listening carefully to your breaths to detect irregularities, such as wheezing or difficulty breathing. 
  • Performing a full body examination, including the nostrils, ears, eyes, throat, and lungs. 
  • Examining the state of your nails and skin. 

In addition to more general tests like lipid panels and bone density scans, your doctor may request more targeted diagnostic procedures like urinalysis and imaging studies. The internist will likely recommend a specialist or request a follow-up appointment. 

What Makes for a Good Internist?

Keep an eye out for these signs if you want to know what makes an internist good: 

  • Your internist like Nicholas Torgerson should offer to help coordinate your treatment with any specialists you see, regardless of how long that relationship lasts. 
  • If you are seeing multiple doctors, they must ensure your medications don’t interact with one another. 
  • They should be well-versed in all areas of medicine. 
  • To ensure the best possible symptom management, they should be able to enhance the treatment as the condition advances. 
  • In addition to shedding light on the many preventative actions you can take, they should also offer proactive counseling regarding adjustments to your lifestyle. 
  • During regular checkups, they should also try to comprehend your mental health. 
  • Your best interests should always be their priority, and they should be easy to talk to and offer individualized treatment. 
  • Attend all of your planned preventative care appointments because they are good at giving you information on staying healthy. 


Internists like Nicholas Torgerson have it tough because they treat a wide variety of patients with a variety of symptoms, some of which can worsen with time. Hence, it is critical to select an appropriate internist.