Finding the perfect rug for your living space can be a thrilling journey, especially if it’s the final touch to a stunning living space. There are a whole host of rug styles to choose from, & many size ranges, but the best rugs are also durable and timeless. So how do you pick the right one for your home?

Let’s have a close look at the world of rugs and rug styles, so you can find the ideal rug for your living space, that’ll not lose its shine even after decades.

Rugs That’re Popular Today

Modern rugs in Malaysia — and their style trends — can be classified in many ways, with the most common categories being room and style.

Rug Trends by Room

Rugs are by tradition used in living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms. When shopping for rugs for your home, you’ll need to identify how the space is mostly used, while also taking into consideration the other style and décor elements.

  • The best rugs for a living room should complement how the space is mainly used. For example, a beautiful, woven rug would be ideal for a formal sitting room. Sophisticated designs can transform any space into a haven for entertainment.
  • In the kitchen or dining room, you may want to nurture a cozy atmosphere. But, you should also consider a rug’s durability, and how arduous it will be to keep it clean. The best dining room rugs will offer both unique style and timeless durability.
  • For bedrooms, comfort and warmth are the two elements that are the key to a perfect rug, especially in an uncarpeted room. Apart from the basic design & style, rug durability is equally important.

Rug Trends by Style

When it comes to a rug’s style, you should makes sure to not only match current interior design trends but also have faith in your own judgement and intuition. After all this is your living space, so eventually your comfort and satisfaction are what matters most. 

Some of the color scheme trends popular today include “clarifying blues, delicate greens, and grounded earth tones.” The trendiest styles range from minimalistic to fun colors and quirky prints that may include elements of nature or meditative patterns.

Another aspect to keep in mind when trying to find trendy modern rugs in Malaysia is the overall design style within a specific room or across the home. Simply because a particular rug may be in fashion today doesn’t really mean it’s going to be a perfect fit. Two of the most vital considerations for matching a rug’s style to your own are the colors and patterns used.

Today, the in-vogue rug designs include floral patterns, as well as geometric, medallion, and tribal design elements.

The Sum Up

Modern rugs Malaysia, as well as those produced from the 1970s till the present, harmonize with modern tastes and trends. They come in a wide range of artistic and interior design styles, from captivating abstract designs through to aesthetic minimalism. Modern rugs offer the largest variety of colors, patterns, and styles.