Application modernization is more than a technological improvement; it is a strategy for businesses looking to remain competitive in this fast-paced digital age. Application modernization and migration services play a significant role in expediting an enterprise’s digital transformation path. Remarkably, 92% of businesses are either in the planning stages or actively engaged in modernization activities. This significant surge in modernization efforts clearly shows its pivotal role in addressing the escalating need for swift, accessible, and innovative solutions. You must hire an application modernization company to modernize your application and accelerate digital transformation for your business. Let’s find out the importance of application modernization in accelerating digital transformation. 

Why Businesses Must Modernize Their Applications?

Application modernization enables organizations to overcome all the limits provided by outdated systems, which frequently include  

Legacy applications must interface with modern technologies like AI, IoT, and the cloud, limiting an organization’s capacity to embrace digital transformation fully. This incompatibility causes unnecessary maintenance expenses and operational inefficiencies.  

As technology advances, the number of professionals capable of maintaining and updating old code decreases, providing a substantial barrier for businesses that rely on outdated systems.   

Did you know that —

  • 88% of businesses still need help with legacy systems.
  • Due to their reliance on old systems, approximately 90% of firms need help properly utilizing digital technologies. 
  • Operating and sustaining old systems costs an incredible $337 million each year. 
  • Application modernization can save this cost by 30-50%.  

Application Modernization: A Must Do To Transform Your Business Digitally

To adapt to changing business conditions, businesses must be digitally competent. Given the multiple challenges that legacy systems offer, organizations must upgrade these systems to enable modern technology and accelerate transformation. Here’s how app modernization establishes the framework for digital transformation: 

  • Improved Functionality & Performance

Modernizing legacy apps helps improve their functionality and performance. Organizations can improve the capabilities of their apps by rehosting, rearchitecting, or rewriting the code to make them more relevant to today’s operating environment.

  • Making Apps Cloud-Ready

App modernization can also make legacy apps cloud-ready, allowing them to meet today’s expectations better. Modernization provides apps with all they need to survive and thrive in today’s world, including 24/7 access to consistent and updated data and increased security, scalability, and availability.

  • Enhanced Integration Capabilities

Application modernization also contributes to interoperability between mission-critical legacy systems and modern SaaS-based services and apps. Such interoperability means systems can communicate more effectively and share data and resources as needed.

Also Read – Application Modernization Trends

  • Lowering Cost of Maintenance

Application modernization also frees IT personnel to focus on developing better and more successful products and experiences rather than managing legacy apps. Modernization enables organizations to avoid the costs of controlling rigid on-premises technology, optimize operating expenditure, and even reduce the costs of planned and unplanned downtime.

  • Robust Security & Compliance

App modernization enables businesses to stay up with regulatory changes and compliance requirements. Organizations with a better and deeper awareness of security risks and loopholes can quickly discover vulnerabilities, automate risk reporting, and reduce the likelihood and impact of data breaches and leaks.

  • Improved User Experience

Updating and modernizing costly and old on-premises legacy systems also contributes to a better user experience. By incorporating innovative technology such as mobile, cloud, and IoT, organizations can create flexible, user-friendly apps while increasing productivity and efficiency.

To Sum Up 

Effective application modernization for a successful digital transformation requires the right technology, people, and meticulous planning. Business leaders focus on maintaining a healthy balance between such elements, assessing current inventories, and establishing priorities. Businesses must first rely on non-invasive ways to get a higher ROI in a shorter time frame. This will help them gain stakeholder buy-in for more complicated reforms. Digital transformation is the need of the hour and application modernization is the key to push it, get in touch with a reliable company offering application modernization services to make the most of it.