Every Canadian business wants to be able to improve upon its visibility online and wants a lot more leads to its business website as well. When it gets these opportunities, it wants to also be able to convert these customers and all at a very affordable price. It can be difficult finding advertising that is affordable and will not eat into your small budget as it is. You kind of want your cake and eat it too because you don’t want to have to pay very much but you still want great results. In the past, this was not possible but in today’s business world, it is.

The answer lies in contacting King Kong and they will be able to explain to you about the benefits of pay-per-click advertising. Much like the name suggests, you only pay when customers actually click on your advertising which will bring them through to your business website. For all other times, this is free advertising and even if they don’t decide to buy from you then your business name will be stuck in their minds anyway. If this all sounds very attractive and you would like to know about the reasons why pay-per-click makes good financial sense then please continue to read.

  • You set your budget – You do not have this flexibility when it comes to other forms of advertising but with pay-per-click, you can actually work within the budget that you have set aside for your business. This allows you to increase and decrease your advertising expenditure at your busiest and less busy times.
  • You only pay for the click – This is a massive selling point for businesses just starting off and even though thousands of people may see your advertising every single day and not click through, this is still putting your brand in a prominent place and making people more familiar with your business.
  • You can try out different ads – It can be difficult knowing which advertisement will work for your particular strategy and the good news is that you can always change your pay-per-click approach if it doesn’t seem to be working. You will be provided with statistics telling you how your advertising is performing and you can make changes in moments.

These are the reasons why pay-per-click makes sound financial sense for your business today in 2024 and always.