On one hand, this city is similar to others when it comes to food delights.  On other hand, what make this city different and never let you down is that every second of your time here will be unexpected and mysterious. From its electric coffee social life to its conspicuous food environment, you can be guaranteed that something new will be there to stir your taste buds. What comes with all this gastronomic diversity is a humble snack that only prefers to get viewed as shunned by Melburnians – popcorn.  Even so, this little popcorn Melbourne  has found itself to be rightfully coveted.

A few words about the history of popcorn.

The illusion that popcorn is of recent conception and is a trendy snack is palpable but its history reaches hundreds of years back. Americans native local people were the first ones who discovered popcorn and not only used it as for snack purposes, but also for other ceremonial aims. The bite food was soon import into the US market as the 19th century neared and it appealed to people to other places in the world especially Australia.

The Popcorn Revolution in Melbourne is the most recent example of a significant movement in brand positioning for a business.

In Melbourne, popcorn has gone beyond the traditional definition of a snack and have become a fodder for a gastronomic transformation. What had been a trick to just normal cinema snack nowadays turned up into something more, thanks to the creativity and innovation wit of local popcorn makers. Buttered popcorn is just one of the few classics.  Neither a box of pop-corn decorated with less popular flavors like truffle-infused or salted caramel tastes better.  Catering to needs of every taste there is a popcorn flavor for every Melbourne.

Fast Cinema Lovers’ Habits Changed Because of the Popcorn Specialty Shops’ Rising.

Next to the fashion shops and designer stores, popcorn stands with specialties from sweet to salty, have been popping up around Melbourne. The stores pick up the purest ingredients and get along the innovation ways to produce the popcorn which is not only delicious but also beautiful in the look remaining. Suffering from some cravings for sweets, savory, or spicy? Rest assured that you can pick up one of these at any of the popcorn specialty shops in Melbourne.

Taking a step further from ordinary popcorns with high-ingredient creates fresh tasting delights which makes it more versatile as an ingredient.

Don’t be fooled, popcorn isn’t just a snack; it’s actually a very convenient and versatile ingredient too.  You can use popcorn in numerous meals. In Melbourne, there is nothing popcorn cannot be used for, creating such items as soups, avocado salad, croissant, sorbet, and even cocktails. Apart from the familiar texture and a relatively mild flavor, popcorn morsels also add a new dimension to staple dishes, that’s why they are such a beloved snack for foodies and culinary arts connoisseurs.

The popcorn experience in markets of Melbourne is just been refreshed by its unique taste of fruits.

Popcorn is an entertainment bit from Melbourne markets; City’s markets drip full of the food delicacies. Australian markets are rich with fresh food from Queen Victoria Market to the busy South Melbourne Market, you will have a chance to Buy Bulk Popcorn the best popcorn and to choose from a variety of flavors. Whether it is just window shopping during your lazy Sunday afternoon or some intensive product searching while preparing a gourmet meal, here is a bag of popcorn for you to munch on while going through the market stores.

Pop Corn Boxes

Popcorn Catering for Events and Parties As one of the most preferred delicacies in the movies, it can easily be the main attraction of your event.

It is not only popcorn what people consume for movie nights – it is also often the case for the events and parties, in our city. Many vendors have usually takeoff catering services too.  They make fresh primordially popped popcorn for weddings, corporate events, and birthday parties in their own flavors and packaging. Be it a small scale household event or a grand scale social gathering, you would be guaranteed of amplifying the delight and gliding with the whims of your guests when popcorn catering is your play.

We Offer Special Discounts on Bulk Popcorn to Enjoy at Home.

Although popcorn is the preferred snack of many people, those who love it excessively can’t make do with bulk purchases. As you walk along, you might notice that there are boutique popcorn outlets in Melbourne that provide the option of buying in bulk, and this will enable you to stock up on your favorite varieties and dip into them whenever the craving comes. This is when you either go for a classic buttered popcorn or opt for adventurous flavors in sriracha lime.  You can always make sure one or two of these products are never out of stock by buying in bulk. Popcorn and Health: Fiction vs the truth.

Though popcorn is our usual ‘guilty pleasures,’ it may sound surprising that it can be healthy snack for if taken in moderation. Air-made popcorn is the one that will help you in perceiving the delicious taste without considering the guilt of eating by ensuring low calories intake and fat consumption. On top of that, remember that popcorn is a group of whole grains and therefore, packed with fibers and nutrients that have positive impact on one’s overall state of health. Therefore, have no hesitation to put down a bowl of popcorn  – your tongue and body will be bound to be really happy about it!


 Lastly, popcorn is deservedly a highly favorite treat in Melbourne because of its multiple uses, flavor diversity and health meals. You can experience it yourself at the movies, pick up a bag at the store, or add to your list of favorite recopies, but popcorn is evidently one of those foods that never fail offering you the delight. Hence, treat yourself with some delicious popcorn the next time you walk around in Melbourne to have this fascinating experience. For this reason, I believe, that not all things in our life should be counted calories, and ordering a fatty snacks once in a while is a life of a true pleasure. For More Details Our Contact Us.