PHP is one of the oldest and most widely used languages for constructing websites. Laravel is the most popular framework for PHP, making it one of the most popular web development languages overall. 

The process of picking the proper framework for the application that you are building is one of the components of the early stages of project development that presents one of the greatest challenges.

Although the cost of development, the experience of the development team with the framework, and the popularity of the framework are among the general criteria that a development team uses to select the framework, there are a number of other considerations that need to be given careful thought, such as third-party integrations, deployment, testing, and many more.

Frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Yii 2, Phalcon, CakePHP, Zend, Slim, and many more are available for use with the programming language PHP. These frameworks are known for their powerful technical capabilities.

Despite this, Laravel continues to hold the number one spot on the list of the best PHP MVC frameworks. According to research conducted by SimilarTech, Laravel is superior to Django and other frameworks.

Thus, why has it gained such a massive amount of popularity, and how is it able to fulfill all of the requirements of your web application in this regard?

Let’s find out in this blog the advantages of Laravel Application Development even in the present day by taking a deep dive into what Laravel is and why it’s the best.

What is Laravel?

Taylor Otwell created and continues to maintain the open-source PHP web framework known as Laravel in an effort to provide a substitute for the framework known as CodeIgniter that is more technologically sophisticated.

Symfony serves as the primary inspiration for its architectural designs. This framework became more popular following the introduction of version 3, which featured features such as a Command Line Interface called Artisan, Support for the Database system, and migrations. 

Other features introduced in this version were support for the Database system. Moreover, it pioneered a new kind of packing known as bundles.

Why choose Laravel?

In this section, we will discuss some of the fascinating characteristics of the Laravel framework, which will illuminate the reasons for the rapid rise in its popularity.

The industry is saturated with leading Laravel development businesses, each of which not only provides remarkable services but also has a staff of highly experienced Laravel programmers.

  • Support for the MVC architecture and an object-oriented design approach

The fact that the Laravel framework adheres to the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and has an expressive and attractive syntax, both of which contribute to the framework’s object-oriented nature, is the primary and most significant benefit of using this framework.

  • Authentication and Authorization Already Included

A ready-to-use setup for the Authentication and Authorization system is provided by Laravel out of the box. That is to say, by executing a few artisan commands, your application will quickly acquire robust Authentication and Authorization capabilities.

  • Packing System

A web application may benefit from the use of a packaging system since it manages the many auxiliary applications and libraries that assist in the automation process. As a dependency management, Laravel makes use of a composer, which is responsible for managing all of the information that is required to handle packages. 

When it comes to accelerating development, packages are an excellent tool since they give the required functionality out of the box. Some of the most useful packages for Laravel are Image, the Laravel Debug bar, and the Laravel IDE aid.

  • Multiple File System

Local storage, as well as cloud storage systems like Amazon S3 and Rack Space Cloud Storage, are both supported natively by Laravel, in addition to the obvious support for local storage. 

Since the application programming interface (API) is consistent across all of these storage systems, switching between them is a breeze. It is possible to employ all three of these technologies inside a single program to serve files from many places, much as a distributed system would.

  • Artisan Console

Laravel comes with its own command line interface, which is referred to as Artisan. Publishing package assets, managing database migrations, seeding and producing boilerplate code for new controllers, models, and migrations are all common applications of Artisan. 

Other uses include managing database migrations. Because of this functionality, the developer no longer has to construct correct code skeletons. By putting in place new custom commands, one is able to expand the functionalities and possibilities that Artisan provides.

  • Eloquent ORM

Laravel’s in-built object-relational mapping tool is called Eloquent ORM. In comparison to the other frameworks that are currently available, Laravel features the most advanced Object-relational Mapper. 

You are able to interact with the objects in your database as well as the connections between those items via the use of expressive syntax thanks to this object-relational mapping.

  • Templating engine

Blade Template Engine is the name of the pre-installed template engine that is included with Laravel. In order to build subsequent views, the Blade templating engine integrates one or more templates with a data model. 

This is accomplished by transforming the templates into cached PHP code, which results in increased speed. In addition to this, Blade offers a set of its own control structures, including as conditional statements and loops, all of which are internally translated to their corresponding PHP implementations.

  • Task Scheduling

The Laravel 5.0 release included a new component to the Artisan command-line tool called Scheduler. This new component enables the programmable scheduling of actions that are frequently carried out. On the back end, the scheduler makes use of the cron daemon to run a single Artisan job, which then proceeds to carry out the tasks that have been set.

  • Occurrences and Media Transmissions

There is a notion in Laravel known as broadcasting that may be helpful in the development of contemporary web applications to incorporate real-time data, display live feeds, and other similar tasks. 

You will be able to get real-time data from the application if you are using broadcasting since it enables you to share the same event name across the client-side and the server-side of your application.

  • Tested

When it comes to the testing of the application, Laravel offers the unit test for the application as a default setting. This test includes tests that may discover and avoid regressions in the framework. 

The Laravel application makes the incorporation of PHP components, such as a testing framework, quite simple. In addition to that, unit tests may be executed by using the artisan command-line application that is made available.


You should have a very good notion why the Laravel PHP framework is the greatest option for web development now that you’ve read this. Keep in mind that the web application is a direct approach to develop a solid connection with your prospective clients and make it easy for you to deliver the answers they are searching for.

The vast majority of laravel development company in the USA have discovered that a web application is an efficient means of communicating with people. Laravel is equipped with all of the functionality that are necessary for a dependable and secure application. 

Your web application will be cutting-edge and feature-rich if you choose to develop it using the Laravel framework. Laravel is the most popular choice among large-scale businesses for developing their online applications.