E-commerce websites are much like a classic physical retail store that allows consumers and industries to buy or sell their products or services to another on a specified platform. The primary difference between physical stores and e-commerce platforms is e-commerce perform their transactions entirely online rather than at a brick-and-mortar establishment. With advanced support, you can make your own shopping website very easy.

Different Types of e-commerce sites

The range of e-commerce is expansive, but the classes of sites that encourage electronic transactions might broken down for the parties involved.

  • Business-to-consumer (B2C):

The most friendly to the average person is a B2C site that enables the sale of goods or different services between a business with a consumer. For example, buying a dress from your favourite online shopping portal.

  • Business-to-business (B2B):

A B2B forum encourages electronic transactions within two businesses. If you have a company that deals with T-shirts, you try to buy those shirts from other online wholesalers at cheap prices.

  • Consumer-to-consumer (C2C):

A C2C is a marketplace that hosts a trade or deal of goods between two or more buyers who create website for online shopping. For example, some online marketplaces in which individuals can buy or sell their items through a possible bidding process or some marketplace allows users to publish classified ads for services or products in local areas

  • Business-to-administration (B2A):

A B2A function in electronic exchanges with an institution and a public establishment. For example, a well-known designer website designed your municipality web portal.

  • Consumer-to-administration (C2A):

C2A is similar to B2A. C2A website enables a customer to provide knowledge, goods, or assistance to public authorities and governmental organisations. For example, whether you pay a parking ticket on your city’s web portal. That is considered as C2A.

  • Consumer-to-business (C2B):

On a C2B site, people offer products or services to various businesses. This might be an independent SEO expert who performs with businesses in an initiative or an influencer who is paid to advertise some brand’s products.

Types of outcomes marketed via e-commerce portal

The digital element of e-commerce authorises sellers to deliver a wide range of services or products. Some of them would not be attainable to sell in a physical store.

Physical goods: Items like clothing, furnishings, supplies or food are real products that are stored in a storage house. Sellers present products on their e-commerce site, where customers can like, save, and buy them. Following the purchase, the company ships the goods to the consumer.

Services: E-commerce websites are popular selling platforms for consultations, tutoring, maintenance, lessons and other different stuff. Whether you enjoy learning to code a site or you are searching for an experienced dog trainer, there is no lack of assistance unrestricted online.

Digital products:  Products like software, online courses, podcasts, e-books and music are also increasingly widespread on e-commerce websites. The evolution of digital products spread out a new way to learn talents on demand.

Forming an e-commerce business might be more cost-effective as compared to starting another kind of company. Nevertheless, it needs proper research and foolproof planning. so all you can say is E-commerce or electronic commerce, is considered the exchange portal of goods or services with transmission of data or money over the internet. E-commerce uses various digital platforms like mobile apps, social media and websites to make the buying and selling process easy and possible.