A list of sources and literature is an important part of your student work.

To write a good essay, term paper or even thesis, you need to study everything (well, or almost everything) that has been written on this topic before you. You may think about https://writemypapers.company/buy-a-plus-paper/ But find sources of literature: books, scientific journals, various electronic materials – without them, it will be very difficult to write an educational work in principle. And the teacher will not accept an educational work if there is no list of references in it.

Where can I find literature sources?

It is usually recommended to make a list of sources and literature when working with library catalogs and reference books, but this approach seems too narrow to PaperWriter. Therefore, we have prepared some tips with which it is easier to find sources of literature.

  • Start with paper resources. For example, see lists of related materials in encyclopedias, textbooks, and reference books.
  • Try to find articles on your topic on Wikipedia – there, with a high degree of probability, you will find many links to books, articles and scientific works that you can use.
  • Don’t just search for sources in Google or Yahoo – there are special electronic libraries and search engines for this. For example EssaysWritingHelp.
  • You can find sources of literature in other people’s educational works, as well as diplomas and dissertations. This is where it is useful to go to the abstract banks . And we advise you to pay attention not even to the bibliographic lists in these works, but to the links – you will even find out the page numbers from where you can get the information.
  • Take a look at the electronic library of dissertations . There you can also find works on the topic, and already in them – sources for your bibliographic list.
  • If knowledge of foreign allows, look for materials on the topic on foreign sites. There you can find something that has never been translated into English. This means that anti-plagiarism systems do not count such quotes.
  • Finally, ask your teacher for help. Sketch a small list of sources of literature to show that you have worked, and say that there is nothing else you can find. Most likely, the teacher will help you and suggest several additional sources. Good too.

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