01 Jun 2024

Chartered Engineering : Guide and Services


Chartered Engineering : Guide and Services 

Chartered Engineer: Definition The Chartered Engineer Act of 1948 establishes the requirements for obtaining a chartered engineer licence. The Act supports the formation of an Indian Engineering Council to regulate engineering practices. The highest professional engineering degree available in India is Chartered Engineer. Many people…


Different Types of Chocolates 

Despite the fact that chocolate is a popular treat all over the world, the phrase “chocolate” can refer to a variety of things. Chocolate production is a lengthy process that starts long before a chocolate shop or supermarket opens. It all starts with cacao beans,…


Role of SEO in Internet marketing 

What is SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website to make sure that it ranks high in search engine results. SEO is the best way to get traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Search engine optimization (SEO)…