Everyone wants to invest in real estate to earn huge profits. Unfortunately, not everyone gets successful as a property investor. To gain profits investing as a first-time investor is a catch 22 because you can’t invest successfully without some prior experience and you will gain experience only after investing. To get you out of the situation, we have some practical tips to help you become a smart property investment even if you don’t have any experience to start with. Some of these tips include having an online presence on Google My Business as it helps the local clients reach you. As per the industry experts such as Casey Ryan Richards and others, it increases the chances of local sales to up to 90% as most of the searches in present times come through mobile devices.

Below are some practical tips to invest smartly in real estate as a first-timer:

1)      Understand The Real Estate Market: Before investing in any type of real estate, you must understand the market well. There are numerous strategies such as fixing and flipping of the houses, investing in single or multi-family homes, commercial properties, renting out of the houses, etc. The premise of all the strategies is different and hence may require different aptitudes. This is why a person wishing to earn successfully by fixing and flipping must have an aptitude and the ability to quickly sell off the property after quick renovations.

Similarly, investing in multifamily homes demands managerial skills.  Although some investors may feel comfortable investing in a particular strategy, profits do depend on market trends and profitable strategies. It is no surprise that keeping all factors constant some strategies are more profitable than others. Hence, one must research the market before investing in a property. Success in every field comes through reading and researching and the same has been advised by the experts. As per the USA based investment experts such as Richards, “reading real estate books may seem a bit old school to some but it is truly beneficial.” You can find books written by real estate experts sharing their experiences. There are thousands of books available for each strategy under the sun. You can even start reading online blogs as some of the books may not be completely relevant in present times.

2)      Networking: Nothing expands like knowledge and information. When it comes to real estate, you must network with the people in the same line of work. As the real estate industry employs a lot of professionals working as landlords, real estate agents, brokers, investors, etc, a large part of your success depends on your capability to network with people. Having the right contacts help you keep in the business for very long.


3)      Online Presence: Your potential clients will not come to you one fine day. You have to take steps to make your presence instead. The Internet is the most powerful source of information in the present times. Missing out on having an active online presence is a deterrent to the success of your business. Having a presence on social media platforms and Google My Business helps potential clients to reach you.

4)      Finding or realizing an Aptitude and Interest for a Specific Strategy: Success in real estate depends on the individual capability of investors keeping all other factors constant although some strategies are considered more successful than others. You may not be comfortable with investing in a particular strategy as you must not have the necessary aptitude. Instead of failing by investing in a highly profitable strategy, you must stick to a good strategy you are interested in and have an aptitude for.

Conclusion: Everyone wants to invest in real estate to earn huge profits. Unfortunately, not everyone gets successful as a property investor. To gain profits investing as a first-time investor is a catch 22 because you can’t invest successfully without some experience and you will gain experience only after investing To make profits you must understand the market and network with the people in the same line of work. You must have an online presence to interact with potential clients. Google My Business helps potential clients to reach you and as per the industry experts such as Ryan and others, it increases the chances of local sales to up to 90% as most of the searches in present times come through mobile devices. You must find or realize an aptitude and interest for a specific strategy to invest profitably.