Most people know that after a good night’s sleep you feel energized, happy, and focused. But when you don’t sleep well, you feel more irritable, your appetite is distorted, and your brain just isn’t working properly. And your ability to get a good night’s sleep (that is, fall asleep and then sleep soundly through the night) can be affected by various factors including stress, anxiety, depression, foods like caffeine or alcohol, smoking, certain medications, changes in your schedule or a bad habit. Sleep.

Some of these factors can be easily changed, like avoiding caffeine and then doing something relaxing before bed, but sometimes after a lot of effort, it can seem like nothing is working. At this point, you should probably consider a natural therapy, such as massage.


Massage (which, of course, is done by a registered therapist) is a great way to relax your muscles and help your body get into a rhythm more conducive to sleep. Massage is helpful in helping you fall asleep from infancy (if you’ve never heard of baby massage, check it out, it can offer many other benefits as well) into adulthood. Massage Center Bur Dubai

Not only for sports injury recovery, but massage can also reduce stress, improve blood circulation, relieve tension, lower heart rate, and blood pressure, and even strengthen the immune system. If you suffer from pain and also have trouble sleeping, massage can help you with this: from back pain to pain in the limbs, to headaches.


Scientifically speaking, massage therapy will help you fall asleep, not only relieving stress and tension but also stimulating the brain to produce more serotonin. This endorphin, or “health chemistry,” is generally produced to play a role in maintaining the balance of your mood, as well as to help regulate your circadian rhythm associated with your sleep-wake cycles.

When your serotonin levels are balanced, everything is fine, but when they are out of order, a number of things can happen, such as poor sleep, depression, etc. Some medications may be suggested to increase serotonin levels, but these medications often have side effects. Fortunately, massage therapy is a natural form of treatment and can increase serotonin levels as a simple by-product that helps you relax.