Today, we are closer and more connected. Life is also more fast-paced than ever. We go about our day trying to cram everything into our schedule and quite often, our ‘tasks’ are given more importance than essential activities like sleeping and even eating properly. A lot of us book shows online, check out clothes, and even buy furniture online to make better use of our time but ironically, we give sleep a back seat. It makes no sense to search for the best beds online in Bangalore if we are not turning in to get a healthy night’s sleep. Being one of the top furniture stores in Bangalore as well as a leading online furniture store, we understand the importance of efficiency, multi-tasking, and quick delivery as much as the next person. However, we also understand the importance of proper sleep in functioning. Funnily enough, less sleep can actually take you further away from achieving your dreams. So read on to know the positive effects of sleep, and we hope this blog puts you to sleep on time.

Your heart loves sleep

Sleep is great for a healthy heart. It is a known fact that heart attacks or strokes have a higher chance of happening in the early morning hours – because of blood vessels’ activity while we sleep. If we are not sleeping properly, our blood pressure, metabolism, and cholesterol is negatively affected, thereby increasing risks of heart diseases.

Stressed? Sleep.

We are not telling you to avoid stress by escaping to your dreamland, but sleep actively reduces stress. When are sleep deficient, our body is essentially functioning on reserve power mode – causing increased brain activity, higher blood pressure and ultimately, a reinforced increase in stress hormones. Proper sleep results in a properly functioning body, which helps us cope with stress better.

Stressed? Sleep.

We are not telling you to avoid stress by escaping to your dreamland, but sleep actively reduces stress. When are sleep deficient, our body is essentially functioning on reserve power mode – causing increased brain activity, higher blood pressure and ultimately, a reinforced increase in stress hormones. Proper sleep results in a properly functioning body, which helps us cope with stress better.

You are better when you are awake

Sleep increases alertness and sharpness. You feel energized and fresh to take on the next day. This in turn keeps you more focused in performing tasks which goes on to give you better sleep at night. It becomes a wonderful cycle on doing the task at hand to its full potential – be it work, play, or sleep.

Remember better

A lot of research indicates that sleep is essential to assimilate as well as consolidate our day. Even though we are sleeping (and snoring), our brain is actively processing the events, thoughts, and feelings we have experienced through the day while also making critical connections. It is imperative to have deep sleep with the proper sleep cycles in order for our brain to do this every night and help us remember better as well as enjoy a greater clarity of thought.

Sleep keeps your body strong

We are relaxing and probably dreaming of the most interesting things. Sleep is also a time when our body is proactively repairing itself from damage caused by exertion, stress, harmful externalizes and exposures. Our cells are also more active while we sleep – producing protective protein molecules that keep the body fit and strong.

It is important to understand that our hard work and exertion is counter-productive if we are not taking care of ourselves. Remember to eat, sleep, and exercise adequately in order to keep ticking. Finding time to sleep is a problem you have to solve. When it comes to where to sleep and relax, we have got what you need with a wide range of affordable luxury with furniture showrooms in Bangalore across key locations. You can also shop for Looking Good Furniture online and get unbeatable prices.

The article was originally published at LGF Blogs.