If you’re looking for a new mattress, there are a lot of options out there.

In fact, the market is saturated with different types of mattresses to choose from! But what does it mean? What’s the difference between all these mattresses? And how do they differ from each other?

We will explore this topic and answer some common questions on mattress types below.

Innerspring Mattress

The most traditional type of mattress, the spring mattress. The mattress itself contains springs or coils that act as the source of support for your body.

The coil count, type of the spring and the type of material used on the springs make a big difference in how the mattress feels and how long it lasts.


  • Spring mattresses are generally cheaper than other types of mattresses
  • They offer good bounce and support, which some people prefer
  • They come in a variety of firmness levels, so you can choose the one that suits you


  • Spring mattresses can be a bit noisy, as springs tend to squeak and creak when moving. Some people find this annoying.
  • Can wear out more quickly.
  • Offer less pressure relief on joints

Memory Foam

Foam mattresses rely on different combinations of different-density foams, which are soft to the touch. Memory foam is a type of memory foam. Memory foam originally gained prominence in the industry for its ability to contour to a person’s body and relieve pressure on problem areas.


  • Memory foam mattresses offer good pressure relief and motion isolation
  • They usually come in a variety of firmness levels, so you can choose the one that suits you.
  • Some memory foam mattresses come with a cooling gel layer that helps keep you cooler at night.


  • Certain foams trap body heat
  • Softness can cause “sinking” feeling
  • Insufficient support for certain types of sleeper
  • More expensive than spring mattresses

Hybrid Mattress

Hybrid mattress combines the best of both worlds – the bouncy feel of an innerspring mattress with the contouring support of a foam mattress. They usually have both the springs, or coils, and memory foam. The coil support system gives you that bouncy feel of an innerspring mattress, while the memory foam takes care of the contouring and pressure relief.


  • Softer than springs without the “sinking” feeling of foam
  • Offers pressure point relief without compromising on back support
  • Typically quieter than spring mattress alternatives
  • Regulates temperature better than pure foam mattresses
  • Can work for couples with different firmness preferences


  • Higher-quality hybrid mattresses can be expensive
  • Doesn’t absorb motion as well as foam

Latex Mattress

Latex is turned into foam when it is aerated in order to trap bubble of air. Latex foam is made of natural rubber, and is often used in mattresses because it is durable, breathable and has a quick response time.

Latex is also a popular material for use in hybrid mattresses.


  • Higher bounce back capacity than other foam options, lessening “sinking” feeling
  • Can be produced using natural materials


  • Can feel “spongy”
  • More expensive than many other foam types
  • Not an option for those with latex allergies

Selecting The Right Mattress For You

If you’re looking for a new mattress, there are lots of options out there. There is a wide range of materials and types that can make finding the right one seems daunting. But don’t worry! We have provided a guide to help you find the best type of mattress based on your specific needs.

Whether it be an inner-spring or memory foam, we hope this article has helped clarify some common misconceptions about mattresses as well as offer insight into what might work best for you specifically.

Whatever mattress you decide to go with, make sure it fits the type of sleeper that you are. This will help ensure that you get a good night’s sleep for years to come!