Believe it or not, vinyl records make a comeback, with more of them being sold online and in stores. This means that if you deal with vinyl records, given its booming market, you would need to know all about packing it safely, shipping it, and delivering it safely to your customers. Go on reading this article to refresh your memories of vinyl records!
Packing Vinyl Records
Vinyl packaging or record packaging requires a lot of attention so that these records reach their destinations in good condition. First of all, remove the vinyl from its jacket and dust it with a standard vinyl brush. Then place it carefully in the vinyl sleeves. You may also make a custom vinyl sleeve for your customers after taking the vinyl sleeve dimensions accurately. Place it in cardboard with bubble wraps and attach a shipping label termed “Fragile,” which improves the chances of the boxes being handled with care.
Shipping Vinyl Records
The shipping process is the next most crucial step after vinyl packaging or record packaging. Your impression might get marred if the records do not arrive at your customer correctly or in one piece. Take a look at the following steps to get your records delivered safely.
• Choose the correct shipping box for your customer’s records. As a dealer, you will know the vinyl sleeve dimensions. Getting the correct sized box will reduce the extra space and reduce the costs of shipping.
• Try to get the records dropped off and picked up at the closest location of your courier service. This will take care of the records from being misplaced or damaged by accident.
• Get your vinyl records insured. Many countries also give insurance to documents during the shipping process.
• Always track your order till they reach your customer. It is a good idea to follow every moment of the shipment process so that you know exactly what went wrong if anything goes wrong at all.
When your customers get their favourite vinyl records safely packed and intact along with their custom vinyl sleeve, your business will automatically get the good name that it was looking for!
Couriers to Ship Vinyl Records
The following courier services can easily aid in the vinyl or record shipping process as they handle fragile items with care.
• USPS: It is the best courier service that safely ships vinyl records all over the world. It is a convenient and cheap service, but it takes quite a lot of time to get them shipped.
FedEx: It is a service that is affordable and offers insurance to your records for the shipment process. Thus, it becomes the most recommended of all the shipment services.
UPS: Covers insurance, takes little time to get the records delivered locally as well as overseas. But the only point is that it comes at an expense for ensuring the best delivery. If you are willing to afford its cost, then UPS is a good option for you.
Know the Cost
A lot of factors are at play when it comes to shipping the records safely. Some critical factors are the cost of courier services, padding materials, the type of record being sent, the type of insurance covering it and the recipient’s location.