The A.P. National Investigative Team recently unveiled their study of drugs in tap water. It was a shock to most people when the study found prescription drugs in all major cities water supplies. Their conclusion was that the water you drink every day probably has someone else’s drug residue in it.

Using tap water to make baby formula is certainly convenient and cheap. Young moms are terribly busy, and as they care for their new baby is the last thing they need is to have biologics to go looking for something like a bottle of store bought water to use in the formula. If it is OK during a quiet morning, it is certainly no joke at 1 o’clock in the morning!

It occurred to me then that many of our older citizens have seen fantastic advances in medicine during their lifetimes – and have grown to trust and believe in doctors and the pills they prescribe. Somehow that trust has kept them from noticing that a good number of today’s medications can be deadly.

They noted that improvements at drinking water treatment facilities could reduce the level of Pharmaceuticals in water supply systems. They even talked to congressmen and the EPA about what should be done.

In other words we are treating with expensive tablets that which we have brought about through our habits be they dietary, exercise or other. Logically then, if it was not a pill that caused the problem, why is a pill the answer?

Everyone showed concern, except some callous representatives from major providers. They simply said the public didn’t need to know, because they wouldn’t understand and might overreact to the news.

And besides, those teas taste delicious. The Ginger Treatment makes a great morning snack. And it doesn’t take three hours like a session of chelation. And it certainly doesn’t cost $200. Only a few dollars in herbs and spices. It won’t produce major overnight results, but make it a part of your life and it’ll make good health a part of yours.