Dash cams are the new black box for truck drivers and fleet managers. They offer more control over their safety, with features designed to reduce accidents or collisions in quick time periods. Fleet GPS dash cameras provide better visibility compared to past models while also being affordable enough that even small companies can afford them! Here’s 3 benefits of Wireless Front & Rear Dash Camera 

Video Footage 

Wireless front and rear dash cams are a revolutionary safety tool for commercial fleets. Just ask yourself how many times you wished that, if only there was something behind or beside the truck in order to decrease blind-spots from occurring on our roads when driving? Wireless cameras do just this! They provide fleet managers with visibility into their operations by capturing superior quality video of what’s ahead making it easier than ever before possible – no matter where they’re going–to monitor every detail of everything happening around them during any given shift; whether at home base (or hub), out on route(s) within town limits., interstate highway system…etc.)

Dash cams are essential for fleet managers to ensure the safety and security of their drivers. Fleet dash camera systems capture footage in areas that would otherwise go unnoticed, like truck blind spots! We’ve got you covered with our telematics solutions; they offer an option for both front-facing cameras as well rear or side ones so there’s nothing left uncovered when it comes time to watch back your drive afterwards.

Insurance Costs  

Fleet dash camera systems have been proven to improve safety and mitigate risk. With the video evidence, you can say goodbye to faulty claims and mysterious damages! Insurance companies are taking notice of this too – they offer a premium discount, credit or subsidy as long as drivers use their devices in managing risky driving events like distracted driving mishaps on roads near schools zones among other places where crashes happen more than others (like construction sites). 

Safety and Visibility

Fleet managers and drivers can now have 360 degree coverage with a Fleet Dash camera system. No more accidents, false claims or incidents happening without recording them! Side cameras provide you with all of the footage needed to take advantage in any situation arising on the roadways – watch as the driver faces their actions clearly so no one is left out when it comes time for an arrest warrant fill-in paperwork later down the line at justice court.

Wireless Links Fleet GPS Dashboard Camera System allows you to monitor your vehicle’s activity from any angle. The front facing camera will record what is ahead of the car, an interior monitor lets drivers know how they are doing inside their own ride and external/side cameras provide clear shots outside that can capture anything going on around them without blind spots! 


Dash cams are a great way to capture evidence of any accidents or wrongdoing you may witness. They also make it easier for law enforcement officials when determining who was at fault in case an accident does happen, and help deter potential road rage incidents by recording those around us who drive too aggressively!