Hair Transplantation and PRP Hair treatment

Tejas Cosmetic Surgery Center is one of the best hair transplantation hospital in Coimbatore. In the Hair transplantation Procedure, Experts move hairs to bald areas of the head and the patient will be in general anaesthesia. Our experienced doctors are committed to providing highly professional hair transplantation treatment at a reasonable price. The cost of the hair transplant varies according to the area of baldness and the number of grafts required.

Doctors at Tejas provide both surgical hair transplants and non-surgical hair transplants. One of the non-surgical hair treatments is PRP hair treatment. It is one of the safe and effective ways to reverse hair loss. In this procedure, concentrated plasma rich in growth factors and nutrients separated from your own blood is injected into parts of your scalp that need hair growth. At Tejas, You can get cost-effective treatment with 100% natural results.

Liposuction in Coimbatore

Are you the one who can’t reduce the fat and fed up diet and heavy workout? Then Liposuction is the perfect solution for you. Our experienced liposuction surgeons in Coimbatore provide the best treatment for you at a reasonable price. Our doctors at Tejas are highly experienced and skilled to offer personalized skincare with the latest advancements. Other treatments offered by our experienced and board-certified doctors are Gynecomastia, Tummy tuck surgery, nose plastic surgery, and so on.