As a car dealer, the ability to generate high-quality leads is a key component of your success. You can use several techniques and tools to help you attract more potential customers and boost your sales.

Your Website

The first thing you need to consider is your website. It is one of the first things your customers will see when it comes to your online content. Next, install Google Analytics and link it up with Google Search Console. This is a fantastic tool to measure and monitor your site’s traffic, so you can see which content your viewers are most engaged with.

As you are setting up your website, make sure it is optimized to collect leads on every page. This can be through a signup box or by adding a call to action. You want to remind customers to contact you or invest in your products as much as possible throughout your site. And, of course, your dealership site needs to be mobile-friendly as most of your customers will be doing it using their smartphones.

Optimize for Conversions

Optimize your website for search engines like Google. You can do this by performing keyword research, so you know which terms your target audience is searching for. The more of these keywords you include in your content, the more highly you will be ranked on Google search pages. In turn, the probability of someone coming across your content is much higher.

 Your site should also be optimized for conversions. It should load quickly and needs to be easy to navigate so that customers don’t click off the page in frustration. You want to increase the probability that your potential customers will take action when they land on your website.

Communication & Lead Widgets

 To generate more car sales leads, you can add an online chat option to your site. This way, customers can interact directly with your team to get answers to their questions or concerns. When you provide high-quality customer support, your brand will build a positive and reliable reputation. By enabling push notifications, you can gently encourage viewers to take some form of action while on your site.

Want to increase your trade-in leads up to 300%? Then, add a dealer trade-in tool like the one from TradePending as another option to add tremendous value to prospects while increasing the lead flow from your website.

 Social Media

Social media is a hugely effective marketing tool to generate more leads. Make sure you are active on social media and posting consistent valuable content for your audience. This will build your brand awareness and increase your authority within the industry. Join relevant groups and be active in as many places as you can within the online space.

Make your posts shareable. Make them interesting to look at so that customers will want to engage with your content and share it with their own followers. LinkedIn is an amazing social media platform that can get you many high-quality referrals, so be sure to post your content on there too. Plus, very few car dealerships post content on LinkedIn, which means it’s not heavily trafficked by your competitors, but potentially rich with your target audience.