According to Peter Drucker, “The most important thing to remember about any business is that there are no results within its walls. The outcome of a business is a satisfied customer.” This is why companies try to equip their employees with many customer service protocols and training.

Even without four days of computer training, can you still make your customer’s experience enjoyable with you? Putting little things on your desk, like a desk mat and ball pen, actually spells out excellent customer service.

Regardless of your position in the organization, it is important to make your workspace feel welcoming. Instead of filling your desk with tons of photo frames, why not have some useful little things on it.

Have pens and notepads or sheets of paper ready for your client to use. A desk mat will be especially helpful if you are constantly requesting or giving your signature. Stick-on desk mats also have a great place on your table and it is not just because they come in vibrant, pastel colors. Even your staplers, tapes, pins and erasers will one day prove their value to you and your visitors.

If you always entertain customers and visitors, keep your corporate card on hold with business card holders on the table. This will definitely facilitate the exchange of contact information.

Small amounts of personal care items like tissue paper and rubbing alcohol should be within your reach. Imagine an employee or a client bursting into tears. This scenario is not uncommon, especially if you are a manager or in the human resources department. 

This is where the tissues come in handy. It would be painful if you gave them your piece or accidentally gave them scrap paper. So you need some personal care items near the table. 

Always remember that customer service comes from you, not from the items on your desk. Make sure you smile when greeting customers and visitors; otherwise, all those cute, beautiful and unique style elements on your table will be meaningless. 

You see, there is a lot about customer service. The corporate items you see on a daily basis, such as your desk, your pen, your personalized notepad, can help you perform this function. By customizing your table to spell out comfort, convenience, and ease, you are on your way to becoming a competent customer service professional.

Therefore, with a polite and helpful attitude and an elegant desk mat on your workspace, you give out comforting and competent feelings to your clients. On the other hand, a well-organized desk using a desk mat means that there is less clutter to deal with, which in turn will increase your productivity.

You do not want your desk to have those scratches and blemishes from years of usage and this is why a  desk mat will not only conceal them, it will also transform the way your desk looks.