you’re like me, you want to be 100% sure that you have healthy drinking water. Prescription drugs have found their way into public drinking water. It’s obviously not what you want to be drinking every day with that type of contamination. You need the right filtration method for your home to ensure your water is not contaminated. One method that some filtration systems use is reverse osmosis. The questions is, does reverse osmosis remove pharmaceuticals from water?

If you’re not familiar with chelation therapy… it’s a treatment dating back to the beginning of the last century. Chelation comes from the Greek for “claw” because of it’s ability to claw away at the inside of people’s arteries. It involves an intravenous of chemicals like nicotinic acid, phosphate or ethanol that “scrub” away at the walls of the vessels as the blood carries it through.

There are also Pharmaceuticals that can be bought over the counter that can be bought that can be able to relieve the pain that is being felt. There are many different kinds that can be chosen it is up to a person to find which one is the one that will work for them. Caution is needed when using any kind of pharmaceuticals at all. There are potential side effects that can be associated with the use of them.

It occurred to me then that many of our older citizens have seen fantastic advances in medicine during their lifetimes – and have grown to trust and believe in doctors and the pills they prescribe. Somehow that trust has kept them from noticing that a good number of today’s medications can be deadly.

Using tap water to make baby formula is certainly convenient and cheap. Young moms are terribly busy, and as they care for their new baby is the last thing they need is to have to go learn more looking for something like a bottle of store bought water to use in the formula. If it is OK during a quiet morning, it is certainly no joke at 1 o’clock in the morning!

Ask your doctor if there is a generic equivalent or an over-the-counter medication that may meet your needs. Keep in mind that when a patent on a brand name drug expires, other pharmaceutical companies can make the drug, which creates competition and drives the prices down. These drugs are required to have the same active ingredient as the brand name; however, they are not required to have the same inactive ingredients.

These simple strategies can do what the expensive pharmaceuticals cannot do – get rid of acid reflux. The cost is far less, the side effects do not exist, and the benefits are getting rid of the suffering, better nutrition, and better health. I pray that this helps you.