Interviewer: And what sort of wave machine does University of Utah Health have? Dr. Smith: We simply actually got a new age maker and it is the shockwave device. We made certain we did as much research as we could, understanding that this is sort of a hot topic. A great deal of people are extremely interested.

And so, in the men’s health department, we had a great deal of patients who can be found in and asked a fair bit about it so we did the finest research that we could to discover a machine that might perhaps provide us the very best benefit. Now we’re very selective with our clients at the University of Utah, for who we would advise this to due to the fact that it’s not covered by insurance, it’s fairly costly.

For someone who has a mild impotence, someone who’s taking tablets and doing rather well with them, they might be able to come off the tablets entirely or need a lower dose of the tablets. This isn’t for someone who has a severe erectile issue after they have actually had a surgical procedure like a prostatectomy or something like that.

This is for a really mild to mild-moderate erectile dysfunction. Those are the individuals who’ve truly seen a take advantage of this device. Now, if somebody really desired to state, hey, can you do it? We could do it, but I would quite caution that to this most likely is not going to help you.

However, in the future, it may be as long as the research continues to look appealing. Recruiter: And after those treatments, you stated you continue to keep an eye on the patient to see how things go. Typically, are there a lot of follow-ups after that or when the treatments are done and those new members vessels have grown, normally they endure pretty well and things work out? Dr.

Smith: That’s a long conversation that I have with clients, since the big thing is, is individuals are constantly searching for the simple, fast fix. And a great deal of times the advertisements that they have actually heard make the wave therapy look like a quick repair. And, you understand, with the shockwave therapy, it can be useful, however again, a lot of these individuals don’t understand that, you understand, in some cases they may not be a great prospect or it may not be beneficial for them.