Chemistry is an important core part of science, which combines physics, biology, and geology. This is a prerequisite for participating in some of the most popular courses in colleges, such as B. JC Chemistry courses such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, chemistry, and environmental engineering are designed to help JC by cultivating and improving JC students’ writing skills and high school exam chemistry Students pursue ideal courses.

This is achieved through a holistic and structured plan developed by a team of experienced JC faculty. JC students need to understand the nature of chemistry and the changes being experienced, and most importantly, give them enough opportunities to apply the chemical principles and theories learned in school.

You may know that answering questions at A level requires more than memory, not O level. You need to be able to interpret certain key terms correctly. We know that many of you are often submerged in a sea of ​​information in dense classrooms. Not to mention that what you learned at JC is five times deeper and more thorough than what you learned at high school. Due to the uploaded information, many people cannot determine which are necessary and which are not. Although you still need to remember, the most important thing is that you know exactly what you need to remember to understand all the chemical concepts.

If it’s told to you that, you can skip those heavy school notes because it’s obvious to know some of you might be lost more? You can refer to the comprehensive textbook at any time, especially if you cannot contact the teacher after school. You will receive a reliable and attractive mentor who will identify areas for improvement. You can get answers to questions at any time.

Approach and goals –

A detailed and comprehensive approach to teaching JC Chemistry classes to complement school materials. It enabled students to understand the fundamentals of the subject, apply concepts to scientific situations and develop problem-solving skills. Students learn to identify complex chemical problems and practice critical thinking skills in answering them. Over time, they will show initiative to explore, observe, and draw concepts it’s and understand the various subjects of chemistry.

Teaching method:

The main objectives of the course were determined before the course. Present the most important concepts in a simple and understandable format. Directly practice questions about the basic concepts of chemistry you are learning. Strengthen through application issues. Structural questions Short-term tests and an overview of common mistakes Additional exercises and homework

Advantages –

The team is well trained. JC’s chemistry tutors have extensive experience and resources to develop a method to help students understand the nuances of the subject. Teachers can explain scientific concepts in a variety of ways to improve their understanding. They put forward many scientific solutions and then learned to apply their problem-solving skills. They are highly qualified teachers who know the course very well and can help students establish the relationship between sub-theme concepts.

The most important thing is to develop an understanding of physics, inorganic and organic chemistry, which is how they can effectively solve problems in the high school graduation exam. Comprehensive question of the necessary skills. In addition to chemistry, they also focus on all major JC subjects, distributed across the island, providing the students with a practical center for learning and development from a single source.

Team –

The gifted education program has a strong team of JC tutors has high quality and experience in preparing students for high school exams. You attach great importance to cultivating young people. Teachers communicate well with students, which is an important quality for the transfer of knowledge and skills. JC class teachers provide interesting and engaging lessons that make them useful and effective in helping students improve their grades.