In today’s scenario, people prefer to eat and drink only the products which are healthy & good for their health. The food industry is moving towards homemade foods. Satvic foods are 100% natural, chemical-free and pesticide-free. Satvic coffee is a recently developed beverage that is a combination of coffee and spices. This coffee has a variety of different flavors comprising whole bean coffee, instant coffee, ground coffee powder, etc. For More details on Tea Masala, look at this site.

What is a Satvic diet?

A satvic diet is basically a low-carb diet. The main difference between this and other diets is that being in ketosis leads the body to store less fat because their lipid reserves are converted into fuel. Although it is possible to get the same results using another diet, many health traders say that ketosis reduces stress because we quickly release high levels of insulin.

Growing the Satvic food and products industry

The need of the hour is to grow the satvic food and product industry. The demand for homemade, natural, healthier foods has been on the rise in recent years. Global bodies have also sought to promote this mindset by highlighting the benefits of healthy eating. People are more aware than ever before about what they put into their bodies, be it food or cosmetics.

Benefits of a Satvic diet

A satvic diet is a diet high in healthy fats, low in carbs, and moderate proteins. It’s considered the ultimate way to lose weight. Satvic foods are loaded with energy but don’t have any sugar or unhealthy ingredients which make these easy for your body to digest. This type of diet tends to be better for people suffering from diabetes and gut-related problems as it helps them feel better, stay healthy and maintain their weight.

The need for a satvic lifestyle

“A satvic lifestyle is one that is high in peace, purity and positivity. It derives its energy from sattva (goodness). A satvic diet avoids alcohol, junk food, fried food, caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates.”

Traditions and rituals of a Satvic lifestyle

A satvic lifestyle means a way of life that is focused on maintaining purity and goodness of oneself. It involves few or no animal products, meat, eggs or dairy products. One of the traditions is fasting for religious observances during periods like Durga Puja, Christmas, Lohri, Gurpurab etc. Satvic products are becoming more popular due to health benefits.

Quality control in a Satvic food and products industry

Among all the aspects of quality control in food manufacturing, quality assurance is the most important. The very first stage of quality assurance is to provide an environment where sanitary conditions are present. Sanitary means that everything is clean and everything used for processing such as utensils and equipment is kept clean and dry. Apart from this, hygiene standards should be maintained during food production, packaging and distribution of the product. If a food has a deficiency in quality, the consumer may be able to detect it.


The food and products industries are in dire need of satvic foods and products. The growing population has made it necessary to come up with better techniques for producing these items, which help maintain the balance of the environment.